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kingbee's Articles In Politics » Page 2
September 9, 2004 by kingbee
go to http://www.whitehouse.gov/vicepresident/ and you'll find a photo of dick cheney speaking to a group of marines at  camp pendleton, calif.  according to the caption, cheney told them:. "And the terrorists will fail because men and women like you stand in their way."  scroll down the page and you'll find a cheney bio full of praise for his government service.  what you wont see there (or in his bio at http://www.georgewbush.com --the official bush-cheney re-electi...
March 24, 2005 by kingbee
someone shoulda administered the hypocratic oath to george w bush this weekend.   only a few days before he flew from texas to dc to demonstrate the depth of his commitment to getting votes from the pro-lifers, a 6month-old infant had his plug pulled--against the wishes of his mother--thanks to a law bush signed in 1999. i'm not exactly positive where crawford is in relation to houston, but--even knowing how big texas is from having driven thru there for a month one weekend--the kid ...
March 17, 2005 by kingbee
warmonger (and, please, before you start heaving invective, understand i rarely use that designation but in this case its more than appropriate) paul wolfowitz--whose brilliant  financial acumen led him to prophesy the iraq adventure he worked so hard to bring to being would practically pay for itself once the chinches started into chinchin... oops i meant once  the blizzard of iraqi oil money began drifting into huge piles so it could be shoveled up--is about to validate the peter principle bey...
February 15, 2005 by kingbee
"No amount of money can truly compensate these brave men and women for the suffering that they went through at the hands of this very brutal regime and at the hands of Saddam Hussein." White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan November 2003. no amount of money is exactly what the 17 american pilots--who were tortured in abu gharib prison by saddam hussein's thugs after being captured and  held as pows during the first gulf war--are gonna get if the bush administration has its way. t...
February 4, 2005 by kingbee
during a nightline televised 'town hall meeting' just before the iraqi election, senator george allen (r) va reasserted a proposition he's been advocating since april, 2004 after being inspired by an ny times op-ed piece suggesting iraqi oil profits be divided amongst and distributed to every resident-citizen of iraq.  although no specific plan has been developed, the idea would use the alaska permanent fund as a rough model.  after using the original contract payment to improve the ...
January 30, 2005 by kingbee
“By every test we have...this is as surely a liberal epoch as the late 19th Century was a conservative one.”-- presidential scholar James MacGregor Burns "He has wrecked his party for a long time to come and is not even likely to control the wreckage." -- James Reston, New York Times the quotes above refer to the presidential election of 1964  in which republican candidate, barry goldwater,  and his party were crushed by lydon b. johnson and the democrats.  only 40...
January 14, 2005 by kingbee
one of the basic requirements of torture is that the person being tortured has to remain alive.  presumably the dead dont feel pain. judging from that big ol grin on sabrina harmon's face, she musta skipped the class in which that was discussed. perhaps i'm naive or want to put too much faith in or give too much credit to my fellow citizens because i really don't think this woman engaged in desecrating the dead prior to finding herself in a situation where she was...
November 14, 2004 by kingbee
im curious to know if any ju democtrats are active in their local (state, county, city, district, precinct/ward) democratic party organization and for how long?
November 13, 2004 by kingbee
im curious to know if any ju republicans are active in their local (state, county, city, district, precinct/ward) republican party organization and for how long?
July 21, 2005 by kingbee
while shiites and sunni representatives working on iraq's draft constitution may be able to agree on much, it appears both groups are on the same page on at least one issue. they both wanna dump the requirement by which women are guaranteed 25% of the seats in iraq's national assembly. they've obviously learned more than we might have realized from american politics cuz these guys got the whole majority vs minority anti-quota schtick down pat. check this out: "Since men and women are...
July 16, 2005 by kingbee
it's not often i'm able to applaud the words and/or actions of republican party officials (sad, cuz i can remember a time when it happened much more frequently).   as of thursday, i found myself doin it for the second time in two days on 7/14/2005 (thursday  in other words), in a speech delivered to this year's annual naacp convention in milwaukee, republican national committee chief ken mehlman came clean bout one of the party's dirty lil not-so-secrets.    ...
July 14, 2005 by kingbee
consider this part 3 of an ongoing lewis carroll-inspired peek at events and policies through the looking glass (parts 1  Link   and 2 Link .) if karl rove did nothing illegal or innapropriate as regards novak's announcement that valerie plame worked for the cia and was married to ambassador joe wilson, wouldn't it have been easier on everyone if he'd stepped up to a microphone 2 years ago and let us know that was the case?  as one of gwbush's closest associates (if no...
July 7, 2005 by kingbee
this is the second of what may easily become a series of observations predicated on the possibility the 'real life' we're living is actually the product of lewis carroll's imagination as he pens a new work entitled 'washington through the looking glass'.    new york times reporter, judy miller, is spending her first night as an involuntary guest of the federal detention center in alexandria, va., after being held in contempt of court by us federal district justice thomas hogan ...
July 1, 2005 by kingbee
although that headline might seem to be a clash between plural and singular, the subject of that title isn't plural (like more than one liberal) but the singular word 'liberals'.     how does it disengage brains?   i dunno.  it has something to do with its use as the subject of a simple sentence.  as in 'liberals _________________________  a normal brain will then make the effort to fill in the blank with a predicate and pos...
June 29, 2005 by kingbee
this is over a week old but it blew me away--especially after seeing gwb last night explaining how iraq (which the cia reportedly has now designated as the main global location for training and motivating islamic terrorists) is so crucial to the war on terror. apparently the opinions of the rest of the world (or parts of it anyway) and international law really do matter--much more that previously acknowledged--to  this administration and its new cia director.   time ...