even before he was inaugurated, i began having concerns about obama's presidency. among the troubling questions i tried to avoid asking myself were these: 1. would any halfway intelligent, mentally competent person willingly agree to take office of any sort--much less the oval one--in the midst of what's generally considered (so far) one of the worst 8 financial crises in america's history? 2. is it really that much wiser to: spend a lotta time carefully analyzing...
call me psychic. or psychotic. or both. wayyyyyy back in 2005, i began telling people i was positive dick cheney would run for president. my basis for that prediction was three-fold: a. he said he wouldn't. b. in his mind, nobody else was nearly as capable or even willing to shore up the bush-cheney administration's legacy. regarding point a, one need only look back to recall how he wound up on the ticket with dubbya. after declaring he was not going to seek t...
i should be awarded a degree in fristian long-distance diagnosis because i saw this one coming months ago. fact is, i'm feeling a tiny pang of sympathy for the man--maybe even something perhaps approaching the far outer limits of regret. i've yet to meet a single person so competent and capable i could say with any certainty "so-and-so prolly never has and never will find him- or herself slumping back home laden with the weight of having screwed not just the pooch but the...
prior to reagan taking office, disparaging the so-called mainstream media was strictly a rightwing sport. these days, proponents of every political position--including those at mid-center--seemed fully convinced print & broadcast journalists are simultaneously totally ignoring and actively targeting them and only them. ask 50 people to identify the dreaded msm and i've no doubt you'll wind up with no fewer than 50 ...
i dunno if you've recently seen one of those color-coded national weather maps so i'm posting one captured within the past hour. as you can see, the whole damn country is hot as hell. wouldn't surprise me if areas shown in that scary purplish color aren't, in fact, official hell remote locations. i don't recall from past summers seeing this sorta map totally saturated in orange, red and beyond (not that i can recall ever actually or intentionally focusing any atten...
six months after robert novak spotlighted valerie plame, our justice department--charged with determining who told whom when and why--launched its investigation. while wowin the yokels at a press conference, shortly thereafter, ol honest george told us exactly what he planned to do: "If there's a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is. If the person has violated law, that person will be taken care of." truer words was never spoke. i'm all for this k...
finally--after years of concerted effort and outrageous cash outlays to no apparent avail--some results! without having to do anything out of the ordinary (for, like, keith richards), i'm increasingly able to forget shit. pragmatist that i am, i'm not at all bothered by the possibility it may be nothing more than post-pre-early-onset senility. whatever works. thus it was doubly cool seeing former senator bill bradley last night (3/13/07) on bill maher's 'real time'.&n...
on monday (11/20/060) the national park service announced its intention to continue perrmiting use of yellowstone national park by as many as 720 snowmobiles per day. nearly four years of ongoing intensive studies of snowmobile impact on yellowstone's ecosystem by the agency's own scientists have so far cost us $8 million dollars and generated three reports, all of which have concluded snowmobiles produce unacceptable levels of air pollution and noise. other federal a...
samsung and korea university have moved forward into the past and built one of those things only ever seen previously in asian sci-fi movies: a robot sentry armed with a 5.5 machinegun for deployment along the dmz. it sees with two zooming cameras (regular for daytime, infrared for nite), issues commands through a speaker system and is claimed to be able to tell the difference between humans and like trees n stuff (a talent which still eludes some live domestic security guards). ...
would she have the same appeal if her name was condaleeza noodles? Link on an almost totally dissimilar note, can anyone explain why this article Link has been place in the politics > democrat category?
near the end of the first bush-kerry presidential debate, the following question was posed to both candidates: LEHRER: New question, two minutes, Senator Kerry. If you are elected president, what will you take to that office thinking is the single most serious threat to the national security to the United States? kerry responded thusly: KERRY : Nuclear proliferation. Nuclear proliferation. There's some 600-plus tons of unsecured material still in the former Soviet Un...
in a thread of another article by the very astute Sean Conners, a.k.a. SConn1 Link there's been an ongoing sidebar discussion turning on the question of what constitutes a bonafide plan. i found an article that seems germane to that conversation located here: Link rather than dump what's turned into a lotta text onto mr. conners excellent post, i'll overload my own blog. the article in question was published on 9/12/0...
how horrible is this: little physically and mentally abused two-year-old conjoined iraqi quadruplets forced by demonic mullahs to rip pelts off cute lil live bunnies every 2 seconds for 14 hours a day using only their teeth. if that ain't bad enuff, if even just one american won't publicly praise every homosexual whenever passing them in the halls, a new law will permit howard dean to double taxes of the 1000 richest americans ...
to: all supporters of our president's counter-revolutionary determination to assume to his office and himself monarchist powers against which--and from which to free us forever--this nation's founders fought and died. re: the absurd incongruity of officially abrogating all relations with terrorist state syria while simultaneously utilizing syria as a backchannel instrument with which to perpetrate our own brand of s...
talk about irony. since assuming office as 'determinator of even the most crypto anti-semiticism' and being granted the power to view into all mens' hearts and see the moral rot therein, moderateman has been unrelenting in sniffing out and denouncing as 'jew haters' anyone who dares criticize policy implemented by the civil government of israel. so it is that his most recent screed (featuring introductory actual anti-semitic quotes attributed to h...