fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
Lil Early To Be Settin Up That Nativity Kvetch, Ain't It?
Published on October 22, 2005 By kingbee In Politics

bad enuff, we as a society hafta endure a rapidly and constantly expanding sacred holiday gift-buying season (not so long ago, no respectable enterprise woulda crassed the line by transforming its facility into a red-green-and-tinseled gwb's smirk vision of yuletide one minute before 12:00:01 the day after thanksgiving; this year, i'd not be surprised to find santa, reindeer and elf suits being stealthed in as halloween costumes) without being subjected to a buncha pre-december pissing, moaning, unrestrained rumor mongering and outraged wailing about the de-christmasization of the nation. 

i dunno exactly when this year's 'they've damn near banned xmas everywhere when i wasnt looking' crusade began, but over the past two days, i've seen a pair of  impassioned, if not terribly well-conceived condemnations of those foolish enuff to put themselves on front street by suggesting distribution of the holy candycane--a symbol that dates back to the time when jesus' own shepherd's crook was transformed into a delicious confection on that cold night in bethlehem into which he was born--by an 'ends excuse means'  holy witness in a public school classroom seems unlikely to be legal, sensible or even the christian thing to do.   

yall would accrue a great deal more credibility if you were equally as protective (or even sorta close) of the celebration of the most important day on the christian calendar--the resurection--as you are about the whole toybag fulla pagan winter solstice traditions combined with fanciful inanities, the most ancient of which possibly dates  alllllllll the way back to the last golden era (like 1850 years after christ beamed himself up.)

either i missed the big easter fatwa against the heathens who eternally labor day-in, day-out trying to roll the stone back before jesus can fully triumph over death, or yall are bettin the farm (not to mention puttin all your coal in one stocking) hoping nobody else will notice your lack of concern about easter and realize it  exposes the deliberate false witness you bear with your hysterical claims about the purported attack on xmas.  

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 22, 2005
Hehe. Nice.

I went to look for some fake blood for Xavier's Halloween zombie costume today, and couldn't find any. I DID find plenty of Christmas cards, ornaments, decorations, and candies tho.
on Oct 22, 2005

I DID find plenty of Christmas cards, ornaments, decorations, and candies tho

shoulda bought a buncha that stuff and used it to transform the boy into a truly horrific creature...the ghost of christmas present threatening to hop over the constitutional wall separating church and state.

on Oct 22, 2005
'a symbol that dates back to the time when jesus' own shepherd's crook was transformed into a delicious confection on that cold night in bethlehem into which he was born'
Nice blog, and this line creases me!
on Oct 22, 2005
this line creases me!

hopefully bein creased is a good thing.
on Oct 22, 2005
If only you would use your magnificent mind for good, istead of evil. heh
on Oct 22, 2005

If only you would use your magnificent mind for good, istead of evil. heh

strangely enuff (or not...since you're one of two who inspired my post by seeming  to be either on the holiday catalog schedule*  or driven by an irresistable need to indulge yourself in good ol yuletime 'everyone's pickin on me' a month earlier than everyone else)  i was thinkin the exact same thing about you earlier!

great minds, huh?

*as far as the direct mail & holiday gift catalog biz is concerned, labor day is the first day of the xmas season

on Oct 22, 2005

Hint:  Christmas is for all mankind, Christians and non as well.  It is truly a celebration of life (for all even atheists).

Easter is a deeply religious day for all Christians (It has no meaning for others).  It is the day of salvation, and as such, it is not a day for pagan symbols.  Once you understand that, then you understand why Christmas is celebrated  by all ,and Easter is a more somber and personal day for Christians.

on Oct 22, 2005
it is not a day for pagan symbols

Like giant egg delivering bunnies, stores full of "peeps," or "holiday specials" such as "Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail."

We reserve that sorta stuff for pagan rip-offs like Christmas.

Actually, my ilk has abandoned "Easter" (purportedly named after the fertility deity Ishtar) for "Resurrection Sunday."
on Oct 22, 2005
We reserve that sorta stuff for pagan rip-offs like Christmas

Hehehe....that makes it official. I love Gene.

This article also makes it official that i love Kingbee too.

Everyone knows that I love Furry....he and I are going to run away together some day, right FC?

Although....looks like you've got some competition now!
on Oct 22, 2005
I wrote an article last year stating that I firmly believe that sometime in the not too distant future, we'll be able to go to Wal-Mart and purchase Christmas items year-round (and there are many 'Christmas stores' even now, selling the holiday bells and whistles from January to January).

KMart here in town already has Christmas trees and other items on display right next to their Halloween stuff in their Seasonal area.
My wife asked if that might not be a tad sacreligious. I replied that, since none of the crap we use to decorate with actually has ANYTHING to do with the Reason for the Christmas celebration, no, it isn't sacreligious at all. Just tacky as hell.
After all, seeing a cheerfully grinning Santa and Rudolph across the aisle from a display of grinning skulls and horrific gargoyals and demons is just a little surreal for my taste. And hearing "Jingle Bells" intermingled with eerie organ music and "O Holy Night" with the themes from "The Exorcist" and "Halloween" was just too much (heard it the other night, while looking for my costume).

Much as I hate to aree with you, king....good article.

But just for the record, in case I missed a mention of it somewhere on here, the "most imporant day on the Christian calendar" isn't Christmas----it's Easter. After all, everyone is born, but only One of us ever came back after three days dead.
on Oct 22, 2005
But just for the record, in case I missed a mention of it somewhere on here, the "most imporant day on the Christian calendar" isn't Christmas----it's Easter. After all, everyone is born, but only One of us ever came back after three days dead.

Yea, I kind of told him that as well. Actually, I like Christmas being for everyman, regardless of belief. Nice to have one time of the year where "Peace on Earth, Goodwill to all men" means something.
on Oct 22, 2005
Actually, I like Christmas being for everyman, regardless of belief. Nice to have one time of the year where "Peace on Earth, Goodwill to all men" means something.

Very true. I always thought it was cool that, up until WW2, at least, it was traditional to call a Christmas Truce during times of war, so it could at least be acknowledged amid all the slaughter and horror. Look up the incident at Belleau Wood for a nice story.
Of course, Washington crossed the Delaware and attacked the British on Christmas Eve, so....it wasn't ALWAYS acknowledged.
on Oct 22, 2005
Of course, Washington crossed the Delaware and attacked the British on Christmas Eve, so....it wasn't ALWAYS acknowledged.

AH! But it was the eve! Those sneaky americans!
on Oct 22, 2005
Like giant egg delivering bunnies, stores full of "peeps," or "holiday specials" such as "Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail."

Perhaps you should seperate the childish symbols from the adult ones?

Just a thought.
on Oct 22, 2005
In spite of my rejection of Christianity when I became an adult, Christmas remains one of my favorite Holidays.

This is just a little hypocritical, though, LW, don't you think?

Have you rejected Christ Himself, or simply the religion built around Him? There is a difference. Modern, organized Christianity can be shallow, materialistic and judgemental, yes, but the Message is still out there, for people who want to seek it out.
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