fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
Mea Culpa, Mea Culpha, Mea Maxima Culpa
Published on August 22, 2005 By kingbee In Politics

NOTICE: i realize myrrander staked out a position on sheehan's protest and then did a near 180° reversal; now i'm finding myself in the same position.  i'm sure some of yall are gonna see this as flip-flopping but...hey i gotta be true to myself and while i can't speak for him, i'm sure myrrander does too.  

on at least 2 (perhaps more) threads discussing the cindy sheehan protest outside the president's prarie chapel ranch in crawford, texas, i did my best to repudiate claims that ms sheehan was, at best, a blatant publcity seeker who was using her son's death as an excuse to embarrass her president.

at the time i was convinced i correctly perceived her actions as those of someone who was doing all she could to help the president see the errors of his policies.

while working on my next-to-newest article about the stones' concert  Link , in which i expressed my surprise about california governor schwarzenegger's willingness to share his vip booth with anyone who tossed $100k into his campaign chest, i suddenly realized ms sheehan could have easily approached her mission in a much more effective manner without any of the drama or antagonism.

i'd totally forgotten the bush pioneers (those who collect $100k for bush-related campaigns) and, especially, the rangers ($200,000).    all rangers get invites to the ranch as a reward for their efforts.  in fact, a number of them have visited the ranch while cindy was standing out in the sun making a fool of herself.  

if she REALLY wanted to talk to the president--and this wasn't just some big hollywood production directed by soros or warren beatty--she could very easily have become a ranger and been driven in a huge air-conditioned suv  right in thru the front gate.

for those of you who are bout to start flaming me about how she's just an ordinary soon-to-be-ex-wife who is highly unlikely to have a lotta money lying around (since she don't own any oil extraction equipment nor is she a government contractor or anything like that) please hold your mouse long enuff to face reality.

she has-or soon will have--collected a fairly large sum of money from the government which, i believe, owes her a death benefit as a result of her son being killed in iraq.  while i'm not sure exactly of the amount, it will surely be more than sufficient to pay for her ranger badge.

there's a right way and a wrong way to do things.   sadly, cindy chose the latter.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 22, 2005
Heh, I seem to remember Clinton being used as a fundraising tool, too. Mmm, something about sleepovers, and temples and Chinese businessmen. Hmmm... can't remember. Anyhoo, they all do it. I despise it, I hate it when Bush does it, but it is reality. To me it is kind of like prostitution. Any benefit I'd get would be ruined by the realization I had to pay for it. I see your point here, kinda, I guess.

I have to say, though, you're always going to be judged by who bankrolls you. You just critiqued Bush on it, I just critiqued Clinton, and, frankly, when Sheehan started getting image consulting and organizational help from politicaly polarized activist organizations, she ceased to be apolitical.

If she's really serious about there only being 'one political party in the US' as she said the other day, then it seems like she wouldn't want to be perceived as the mouthpiece for either side of the coin. If this had happened two years from now, I'd bet she'd be sitting in Mickey Moore's seat at the DNC.

on Aug 22, 2005
As one who has had my share of agonizing reappraisals, I don't think you "flip flopped". There were many ways George Soros and Co. could have backed Miss Cindy in her attempts to have a 2nd chance to talk to the president. As you point out, there are ways she could have used her means to do it on her own. But those options would have deprived her of the exhiliration that must come with learning "how Mickey Mouse must feel". ;~D

Glad to see you come around, but to tell you the truth, I wish we were both wrong about her.
on Aug 22, 2005
Kingbee, I'm having touble understanding whether you are kidding or not. I suspect you are, but the two responses above are taking you seriously. Huh?

Well, I'm going to believe that you're serious in the notion that she needs to prove that she is a die-hard dubya supporter by ponying up the cash first. Then, she could have her audience with the king. Think about that, baker and parated. Whether clinton was a fundraiser or not, is ridiculous. And what's even more ridiculous is that it always comes back to clinton, with you guys.

I do believe that lots of democratic causes have latched onto her cause. No doubt. But, I also believe that she is sincere, and is now the catalyst for the movement that the dubya dummies so badly did not want. That being a seriously organized anti war movement.

Hello, Cindy!!! Welcome to the doubters club. Those of us who actually do question the president on his motives and his backers for this war effort. From what I've read, although she has already had one audience with the king, that was before all the Downing Street stuff came out, and before she started looking around and questioning this whole stinkin' war effort.

So, good for cindy. She has solidified the antiwar movement like no one else has been able to do. And, even the mainstream media is now being more vocal about their questions about this war. Bout freakin' time. In fact, CNN just did a report about the inept and rather deranged intelligence gathering that was fixed around the policy, as was the Downing Street Memo, and which led up to the Iraq invasion. Heads are gonna roll, and it's gonna be this administration, as soon as they are booted out.

I AM AN ARDENT CINDY SUPPORTER. Yeah, she coulda cheaped out and ponied up the cash, quietly, and without fanfare. But, what would that have accomplished, other than lining dubya's political war chest, which would have ultimately been rather counter productive? Doncha think?.............
on Aug 22, 2005
For the record Dabe, yes, I did catch the humor in the article, and even enjoyed it. It made what could have been a "ok, I was wrong, take your best shot and get it over with" and made it something that was fun to read. Whether Kingbee meant his Mea Culpa or not is on him. If it was all satire, he did a great job!

I'm glad you support Miss Cindy, especially her right to do what she's doing. It's just too bad she doesn't respect other mothers' right to agree with the president and the war in Iraq.
on Aug 22, 2005
It's just too bad she doesn't respect other mothers' right to agree with the president and the war in Iraq.

I suppose you can turn that around and say that mothers who agree with dubya have zero respect for Sheehan and her cause. It cuts both ways. It's really kind of sad, a damned if you do and damned if you don't scenario. If you don't believe in this war, then your child will have died for nothing, a lie. If you do believe in this war, then your child is still dead, and the concept of possibly believing that it may have been for naught is way too much for a parent to bear. Some actually do believe that this war is worthwhile, but those are becoming fewer and fewer. Too many people have too many questions that this administration has yet to answer. Frankly, I do not take their decisions on faith alone, like some do. I do not believe that dubya is God.
on Aug 22, 2005
We'll agree there Dabe, "Dubya" isn't God.

What I was refering to with Miss Cindy not respecting other mothers' right to agree with the president and the war in Iraq is the name calling she has decided to throw in the direction of those grieving mothers. Apparently grieving is only legitimate if it is hers.
on Aug 22, 2005

suppose you can turn that around and say that mothers who agree with dubya have zero respect for Sheehan and her cause. It cuts both ways.

I dont see the mothers who support Bush using Sheehan's son in their pronouncements.  The same cannot be said for Sheehan.  That dog dont hunt, and it dont cut both ways.

on Aug 22, 2005
The life insurance payout for active duty personnel is $250,000. If they get killed in combat, that increases.
on Aug 22, 2005
The life insurance payout for active duty personnel is $250,000. If they get killed in combat, that increases

so she'd only be able to qualify as a pioneer? i'm not sure how immediate access pioneers get but in that case...
on Aug 22, 2005

The life insurance payout for active duty personnel is $250,000. If they get killed in combat, that increases.

I'm sure she'll donate it all to anti-war charity.....

on Aug 22, 2005
"I'm sure she'll donate it all to anti-war charity....."

Which would be a cinch in her case, wouldn't it?
on Aug 22, 2005
so she'd only be able to qualify as a pioneer?

Apparently so.

I'm sure she'll donate it all to anti-war charity.....

Heheh...yeah, I'm sure she will. I'm sure she got right on that.

on Aug 22, 2005
Yup, that now well known anti war org "Cindy Sheehan, Inc." ;~D
on Aug 22, 2005
I try to find insight into situations from either TV or music. (I love TV). When it first happened I liked the Sheehan idea. A mother of a dead soldier wanted to talk to the man who sent him there. It had a nice grass roots feel to it. A "folksy" step back to another time when two people could talk about their differences.

Then she was joined by others. I thought cool. A visual representation of the desire of people who want to talk to the president about the war. No talking points, no slogans, just a "sit down".

Now it seems the circus is in town and I am remined of the song "Mr. Robotto" with the line:

"I'm not a hero, I 'm not a savior..... I'm just a man whose circumstances, went beyond his control."

I think her intentions were good, but others have polluted them.

on Aug 22, 2005

Now it seems the circus is in town and I am remined of the song "Mr. Robotto" with the line:

"I'm not a hero, I 'm not a savior..... I'm just a man whose circumstances, went beyond his control."

I was actually thinking of the Opera Tommy, but Mr. Robotto works too.

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