fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
Girlie Men Bow To International Opinion??
Published on June 29, 2005 By kingbee In Politics

this is over a week old but it blew me away--especially after seeing gwb last night explaining how iraq (which the cia reportedly has now designated as the main global location for training and motivating islamic terrorists) is so crucial to the war on terror.

apparently the opinions of the rest of the world (or parts of it anyway) and international law really do matter--much more that previously acknowledged--to  this administration and its new cia director.   time magazine published an interview with director porter goss in it's june 20, 2005 edition. 

when asked when osama bin laden would be captured, goss replied:

That is a question that goes far deeper than you know  In the chain that you need to successfully wrap up the war on terror, we have some weak links. And I find that until we strengthen all the links, we're probably not going to be able to bring Mr. bin Laden to justice.

"We are making very good progress on it. But when you go to the very difficult question of dealing with sanctuaries in sovereign states, you're dealing with a problem of our sense of international obligation, fair play.

"We have to find a way to work in a conventional world in unconventional ways that are acceptable to the international community."

asked if he knew where bin laden was hiding, goss replied:

"I have an excellent idea where he is. What's the next question?"

as to whether bin laden is likely to attack america again, goss answered:

"Yes, it could. Certainly the intent is very high. And we are trying to stay ahead of their capability. And so far, I think we have done pretty well carrying the war to them, as it were. I think that's mattered."

i wish i'd been the interviewer.  my next question woulda been:

Q: do you really expect me to believe bush or cheney when they tell me i'm safer now than i was on september 11, 2001?  

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 29, 2005
someone musta gave bush and goss a strong bump upside they heads as infants.
on Jun 29, 2005
someone musta gave bush and goss a strong bump upside they heads as infants.

Nice bump, hehe.

"We have to find a way to work in a conventional world in unconventional ways that are acceptable to the international community."

Very interesting. I'll be interested in seeing what all the it-don't-matter-what-anyone-else-thinks-about-us crowd has to say about this.
on Jun 29, 2005
. I'll be interested in seeing what all the it-don't-matter-what-anyone-else-thinks-about-us crowd has to say about this.

as will i. we're takin the war to the terrorists, my ass.
on Jun 29, 2005

I'll answer your question.


on Jun 29, 2005
I think that some international co-operation would be wonderful, america must find a way to get this co-operation without compromising our safety or giving away our power to act unilateraly if NECESSARY.

I wonder what would the hate bush crowd would have said, if we did not war on Iraq, then another attack came using wmd's that Iraq supplied.
on Jun 29, 2005

when i see the ads for drguy terrorist attack insurance, i'll take that answer seriously.
on Jun 29, 2005

when i see the ads for drguy terrorist attack insurance, i'll take that answer seriously.

I dont do insurance.  You asked a question.  I answered it.

on Jun 29, 2005
when i see the ads for drguy terrorist attack insurance, i'll take that answer seriously.

I dont do insurance. You asked a question. I answered it.

Yeah but doc you "know" he wasn't really looking for an answer.
on Jun 29, 2005
do you really expect me to believe bush or cheney when they tell me i'm safer now than i was on september 11, 2001?

Yes also. The national security of the U.S. should not be left in the hands of democrats or liberals.
on Jun 29, 2005
I wonder what would the hate bush crowd would have said, if we did not war on Iraq, then another attack came using wmd's that Iraq supplied

there is an unreleased cia report which concludes that iraq has replaced afghanstan as the main center for training and motivating terrorists, largely because it's like on the job training for urban warfare.

why is an administration that has continually proclaimed it wouldnt allow itself to be hobbled by any international law that prevented it from fighting terrorism now saying it knows where bin laden is...but capturing him might ruffle some feathers?

is it the french he's so worried about offending?
on Jun 29, 2005
Yeah but doc you "know" he wasn't really looking for an answer

if anyone's keepin score drmiler actually got one almost right--altho for the wrong reason. my imagined question woulda been asked of goss. dr guy's opinion is as valid as the next non-cia director i guess.

btw thanks for blacklisting me. (musta been somethin i said )
on Jun 29, 2005
The national security of the U.S. should not be left in the hands of democrats or liberals.

got that right. let's say they knew where bin laden was. you don't expect them damn libs and dems would have the balls to enter pakistan and grab bin laden do you? they worry too much about what the world thinks of us.

luckily we got goss and bush who know where he's at but are cleverly pretending they're worried about upsetting relations with our good ally pakistan (after all, thanks to them, we don't need to do a lotta useless worrying about whether iran has the stuff it needs to build some nukes).

these two sages of strategy got it all worked out. they just pretend it aint no big deal if they catch bin laden or not. eventually osama will decide nobody's lookin for him anymore and maybe take a break. chance a trip to disneyworld or some shit. and then BAM..the trap will snap shut.

hey moe!
on Jun 30, 2005
got that right. let's say they knew where bin laden was. you don't expect them damn libs and dems would have the balls to enter pakistan and grab bin laden do you? they worry too much about what the world thinks of us.

Exactly right. Remind me what the response was again after the first WTC bombing? Maybe you can tell me how many times the President visited the site?
on Jun 30, 2005
Maybe you can tell me how many times the President visited the site?

well i gotta admit bush does a pretty good job of showing up and making tough speeches about how he's gonna do whatever it takes to get bin laden and al quaeda. apparently whatever it takes means = whatever it takes without getting our pakistani allies all upset n shit. maybe musharraf should drop by ground zero and make some speeches too.
on Jul 02, 2005
This is a bit of rhetorical ma****ba**on, kb.

The opposition will never give credit for something that doesn't happen, only blame for something that does. Bit like having to prove a negative, another opposition attack technique (which even passes for journalism, these days) - make a false accusation & demand the accused prove it false.

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