fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
Girlie Men Bow To International Opinion??
Published on June 29, 2005 By kingbee In Politics

this is over a week old but it blew me away--especially after seeing gwb last night explaining how iraq (which the cia reportedly has now designated as the main global location for training and motivating islamic terrorists) is so crucial to the war on terror.

apparently the opinions of the rest of the world (or parts of it anyway) and international law really do matter--much more that previously acknowledged--to  this administration and its new cia director.   time magazine published an interview with director porter goss in it's june 20, 2005 edition. 

when asked when osama bin laden would be captured, goss replied:

That is a question that goes far deeper than you know  In the chain that you need to successfully wrap up the war on terror, we have some weak links. And I find that until we strengthen all the links, we're probably not going to be able to bring Mr. bin Laden to justice.

"We are making very good progress on it. But when you go to the very difficult question of dealing with sanctuaries in sovereign states, you're dealing with a problem of our sense of international obligation, fair play.

"We have to find a way to work in a conventional world in unconventional ways that are acceptable to the international community."

asked if he knew where bin laden was hiding, goss replied:

"I have an excellent idea where he is. What's the next question?"

as to whether bin laden is likely to attack america again, goss answered:

"Yes, it could. Certainly the intent is very high. And we are trying to stay ahead of their capability. And so far, I think we have done pretty well carrying the war to them, as it were. I think that's mattered."

i wish i'd been the interviewer.  my next question woulda been:

Q: do you really expect me to believe bush or cheney when they tell me i'm safer now than i was on september 11, 2001?  

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 02, 2005
And, I forgot to add...

I suspect you're just trying to be provocative, but arguing the hawk case is a bit disingenuous. The left is apoplectic about it already - imagine what would happen if the US stepped on another toe.

As long as you're in the mood to advocate we swashbuckle our way to OBL's hangout & jes grab 'im, please do jot a note to the Italian government & ask them to just dismiss those indictments of CIA employees, would ya?

on Jul 02, 2005
make a false accusation & demand the accused prove it false.

i didn't put the words in his mouth. nor does it appear as if his statements have been truncated or taken outta context. i'll admit to presuming he's referring to pakistan (which makes it a bit more outrageous but only a bit).
on Jul 02, 2005
I suggest you re-read my reply, kb - you completely missed the point.

on Jul 03, 2005
you completely missed the point.

possibly. i didnt have time earlier to respond to your second comment. but now i do.

I suspect you're just trying to be provocative, but arguing the hawk case is a bit disingenuous. The left is apoplectic about it already - imagine what would happen if the US stepped on another toe.

i had no problem with the war in afghanistan which involved concerns about stepping on toes. what i found increasingly problematic was and is ineptitude. not on the part of the men and women actually fighting there or in iraq. not on the part of their officers or their officers' officers or any other military personnel.

i don't recall anyone except the taliban being incensed.

i'm not sure who screwed up at tora bora, but what i know about it leads me to believe it was the cia with help from the team b command embedded in the pentagon by the administration. despite the fact that bin laden got away, the whitehouse began proclaiming victory and empowered its gang of civilian defense department officials to begin switching the focus from afghanistan to iraq.

'you can run but you can't hide' began morphing into 'okay you can hide but we'll find you when we're ready' now it's become 'we know where you are, but we're tied up in iraq and don't need any additional hassles.'
on Jul 03, 2005
jot a note to the Italian government & ask them to just dismiss those indictments of CIA employees, would ya?

i'll do it as soon as we indict them for abusing their office and authority, make them repay the government for the ridiculous amount of money they spent to lodge themselves in luxury hotels and feed themselves at outrageously expensive restaurants and fire them for stupidity or incompetence (you choose) as evidenced by the paper trail they left...complete with real names and addresses.
on Jul 03, 2005

there is an unreleased cia report which concludes that iraq has replaced afghanstan as the main center for training and motivating terrorists, largely because it's like on the job training for urban warfare.

Can you link to it?

on Jul 03, 2005

dr guy's opinion is as valid as the next non-cia director i guess.

It is not an opinion.  It is an answer to a question.  You did not ask for an opinion. Please specify in the future.

on Jul 04, 2005
Can you link to it?

you could try www.anonymoussource dot com (itll make a link if i dont spell out the dot). cuz its still...

an unreleased cia report

here's a real link to a transcript of a press briefing in which scott mcclellan is left mumbling to himself about how iraq was the central front on terrorism before it became the central front on terrorism

the nics report 'mapping the global future' (released last january and now declassified and available as a pdf document) describes the next generation of terrorists as the survivors of combat in iraq
Link (see pg 94)
on Jul 04, 2005
It is not an opinion. It is an answer to a question. You did not ask for an opinion. Please specify in the future

i said i wish i could have asked goss this question:

Q: do you really expect me to believe bush or cheney when they tell me i'm safer now than i was on september 11, 2001?

unless you are porter goss masquerading as one of ju's rapidly growing contigent of uncredentialed doctors, any answer you provide could only be an opinon based on the response you anticipate i'd receive from goss.

if you are not porter goss, the response you proferred ('yes') can only be an opinion no matter how surely you may be convinced goss would, in fact, expect me to believe bush or cheney.
on Jul 04, 2005
Since we're getting punctilious about credentials, let's see your crown & sceptre.

on Jul 04, 2005

an unreleased cia report

Which means you are talking like a man with a paper a$$.  i.e., nothing to see here folks., move on.

on Jul 04, 2005

unless you are porter goss masquerading as one of ju's rapidly growing contigent of uncredentialed doctors, any answer you provide could only be an opinon based on the response you anticipate i'd receive from goss.

Reply By: Dr. Guy                           Posted: Wednesday, June 29, 2005
I'll answer your question.

I beleive I spoke for myself when I said the above.  I dont see how you could have misunderstood that.

on Jul 04, 2005
I beleive I spoke for myself when I said the above. I dont see how you could have misunderstood that.

it seemed likely you were but, as you can see, you seem to allude to a higher authority:

i said:

dr guy's opinion is as valid as the next non-cia director i guess.

you replied:

It is not an opinion. It is an answer to a question. You did not ask for an opinion. Please specify in the future.

unsure of why you'd assert your opinion wasnt an opinion, i tossed this out:

unless you are porter goss masquerading as one of ju's rapidly growing contigent of uncredentialed doctors, any answer you provide could only be an opinon based on the response you anticipate i'd receive from goss.

if you are not porter goss, the response you proferred ('yes') can only be an opinion no matter how surely you may be convinced goss would, in fact, expect me to believe bush or cheney

a statement is either an opinion or an assertion of verifiable fact, no? just as everybody gotsa be someplace, every pronouncement gotsa be one or the other.
on Jul 04, 2005
let's see your crown & sceptre

i'm not asserting a claim to that kinda royalty. more like emulating the spirit of slim harpo's signature tune.

on Jul 04, 2005
Which means you are talking like a man with a paper a$$. i.e., nothing to see here folks., move on.

a wonderful old expression that's been stripped of its former meaning and power thru the wonder of misconstrual compounded by misapplication (sorta like that game in which a sentence is passed along by one person whispering it to the next).

judging from the transcript of scott mcclellan's responses to inquiries about the alleged cia report in question, he did seem upset about the possibility of an errant ember landing in his back pocket.
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