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Affirmative Action My Camel's Ass!
Published on July 21, 2005 By kingbee In Politics
while shiites and sunni representatives working on iraq's draft constitution may be able to agree on much, it appears both groups are on the same page on at least one issue. they both wanna dump the requirement by which women are guaranteed 25% of the seats in iraq's national assembly.

they've obviously learned more than we might have realized from american politics cuz these guys got the whole majority vs minority anti-quota schtick down pat. check this out:

"Since men and women are equal, we should not have a specific percent," said Thamer Ghadban, a secular member of the committee, who was formerly in charge of the Ministry of Oil. "If you talk about equality, why not let them take 50%? But others would not like that."

i hope the gop is paying attention. this guy is ready for the bush league.

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