fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
An Auspicious Portent?
Published on July 16, 2005 By kingbee In Politics

it's not often i'm able to applaud the words and/or actions of republican party officials (sad, cuz i can remember a time when it happened much more frequently).   as of thursday, i found myself doin it for the second time in two days

on 7/14/2005 (thursday  in other words), in a speech delivered to this year's annual naacp convention in milwaukee, republican national committee chief ken mehlman came clean bout one of the party's dirty lil not-so-secrets.   

i can't recall hearing a prominent white republican--much less someone in mehlman's position--criticize richard nixon's 'southern strategy' much less admit the plan had been  deliberately  devised to benefit the gop by exploiting the country's racial divide.  

after describing how his grandfather had joined the naacp sometime prior to the the first big wave of civil rights activism of the mid-60s, mehlman  conceded:

"...the Democratic Party by the 1960s had something real and tangible to overcome this legacy.  Lyndon Johnson, a Democratic President, signed what in my opinion were the most important laws of the 20th century:  the civil rights act, voting rights act, open housing law.  

By the 70s and into the 80s and 90s, the Democratic Party solidified its gains in the African American community, and we Republicans did not effectively reach out.

Some Republicans gave up on winning the African American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization.  I am here today as the Republican Chairman to tell you we were wrong."

he then went on to ask the naacp delegates to give republicans another chance (a plea that might have been much more effective if it had been invoked by bush--who declined to attend the naacp's annual gathering for the 5th time in as many years).  

perhaps i'm being naive.  the southern strategy contributed in no small part to the republican victory in 2004.  mehlman's speech could have been a very cynical scam.  but i'm gonna choose not to see it like that because i'd so much prefer he was speaking from his heart.

like i said, this was the 2nd time this week i'd been favorably impressed by the gop.

i'm not quite sure who deserves the credit for the other one.  hopefully we'll find out someday who was finally able to help the administration see that its non-negotiable pre-negotiation demands of north korea weren't working to anyone's benefit--or, even more to the point, were working to everyones detriment.  for all i know, it may have been some liberal south korean or even the chinese.  but it was republicans who hadda decide to at least get outta the road if they werent gonna start walking somewhere...and i'm sure it wasn't easy for them to make that decision.

it just shows to go that given enuff time, anyone--possibly even john bolton--can learn the difference between demands and diplomacy.  not that i'm advocating givin this administration the 16 more years they'd need to do the job right. 

just jokin LOL

on Jul 16, 2005

a bipartisan bump

on Jul 16, 2005
on Jul 16, 2005
I think it also highlights how ineffective (or sinisterly effective) Dems have been regarding monorities ever since. To me the Republican message of self-worth and personal ingenuity is THE message to give to downtrodden people once they gain the rights they recieved at the hands of Democrats. Since, Democrats have been more about handouts and making excuses for social failure.
on Jul 18, 2005
While I disagree that the "southern strategy" of Richard Nixon affected the 2004 election much

altho it may seem as if we're living in an instant refresh world where yesterday is immediately overwritten by today, effective impact of anything but technology (and even then...) is pretty fuzzy for at least 50 years. tricky dick's body, like john brown's, may be moulderin in its grave but his legacy continues to ripple.

in the 13 southern states (11 that were members of the confederacy plus kentucky and oklahoma) there are 1,340 counties.

in 2000, bush won 1047 while gore took 294 (there was 1 more county in 2000). in 2004, bush won 1124 and kerry won 216.

of those 1340 counties, 1154 have have more white than non-white voters; kerry only won 30 of those. you gotta wonder why there are 1150+ counties with white majorities when 8 of those states have a non-white population of 28-36% and white voters average about 72% of the total population for all 13.
on Jul 18, 2005
It is the picture of racism for a handful of Black people to pompously claim to speak for all Black people in America.

which interest groups send out press releases with a disclaimer denying they represent anyone but themselves? aarp? the american legion? chambers of commerce? vfw?

even the biggest of those consists of a handful of seniors, vets or businesspeople who claim to speak for all of the above.

you've very cleverly managed to get kkk and naacp sorta connected despite the absurdity of that suggestion. calling the naacp racist is about as valid as attempting to say lutherans are athiests.

; Businesses that cater to Black people in Milwaukee were promised huge increases in business. All Milwaukee got for their trouble is a big middle finger from the NAACP as they brought in their own caterers and support people, making sure that every penny spent by the conventioners would stay in the NAACPs greedy crooked fingers.

you're killin me here. perhaps the naacp should start bidding to provide the same services as haliburton if they got that kinda logistical capability. what makes no sense to me isn't them having their own traveling kitchen but that they could find that many black people willing to risk spending a couple days under the dubious protection of the milwaukee police department.
on Jul 18, 2005
To me the Republican message of self-worth and personal ingenuity is THE message to give to downtrodden people once they gain the rights they recieved at the hands of Democrats.

i haven't seen a lotta press on this speech so i'm not sure how much effect it will have. it was a necessary first step tho. before any other message is gonna have any resonance, the gop has to mute things like the willy horton ads.
on Jul 18, 2005
the gop has to mute things like the willy horton ads.

problem is, that was an Algore ad. Guess you need to muzzle him too (Please!)
on Jul 18, 2005
"problem is, that was an Algore ad. Guess you need to muzzle him too (Please!)

Was actually a Bush the First ad against The Fighting Dukaki. Have Repubs put out anything like that in the last 10 years?