as fiercely as it disputes the left being the political faction which represents all mankind, in the depths of its frozen solid stone heart, the right knows this to be the truth.
the evidence is overwhelming and undeniable.
as those on the right stagger from one episode of debilitating overwhelming outrage to the next--an infliction that seems to strike on average seven times in any 24 hour period--a little-undestood autonomic self-preservation mechanism kicks into overdrive causing them to rapidly transfer as much of the overload out into the atmosphere where it's instinctively focused onto any convenient target that comes to mind. it's an amazingly simple process yet should it somehow malfunction, it means an obliterative death by spontaneous concurrent explosion and implosion (somewhat akin to the sad end visited upon the wicked witch in 'wizard of oz' only a lot messier).
as the median age of the us population increases, more targets are required...thus explaining the ever increasing number of screeds, rants and vituperative harangues directed at 'wacko leaders' (sic) of the left.
sadly 99.99999% of these misperceived targets aren't leaders of any type, even in the broadest sense of that term. of the remainder, only about 1% are even mildly wacko. those who've studied this phenomenon find it wryly amusing that an estimated 30% of those who most frequently characterize the objects of their rage as being 'wacko' are, themselves, certifiably so (a figure that jumps to nearly 3 times that rate for their own official leaders).
one obvious consequence of all this wildly discharged antagonism can best be summed up in the venerable aphorism which claims that 'everyone is a wacko left-wing leader but me and thee...and i have my doubts about thee'. should this trend continue, the most conservative (heheh) projection is that everyone in the world will have been condemned as one of the 'left's wacko leaders' by sometime in june 2006.
this leaves the left with very few individuals to whom they can vent their frustration without being castigated as 'mean-spirited' or accused of 'ad hominum' attacks. fortunately the 2004 elections ensured at least a dozen individuals whom, by virtue of having been voted into office, are legitimate wacko leaders. chief among them is george w. bush. others include dick cheney, donald rumsfeld, paul wolfowitz, richard perle, john bolton, tom delay and bill frist. additionally there are those who pull their strings such as the rev jerry falwell, pat robertson, bill kristol, the guy who funded the swiftboat liars for truth and some lighweights such as rush limbaugh and the fox news pundits.
in conclusion, should you discover yourself conferring unwarranted 'wacko leader' status upon some celebrity, please take a few moments to 'get real' as the kids say on the street...and remember, sooner or later some other wacko is likely to condemn you for being one too.