fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
One Last Chance??
Published on June 2, 2005 By kingbee In Current Events

i lost my copy of your autobiography--"Will"--about 10 years ago, so you're gonna have to bear with my paraphrasing.  i was very much struck by several of your revelations.

for example, you described being present at a meeting with some under-assistant something or other to turkey during a time when nixon was determined to pressure the turkish government into halting the production of opium as part of his 'war on drugs'.  whoever the guy was and whatever his position mighta been isn't really that important.   he was, you recounted, trying to explain the turk regime was in a precarious position and that favorable resolution was going to require some time. 

you responded by telling the guy he was a failure.  then, pulling your sidearm and sliding it across the table, you advised him to do the honorable thing.

after you were revealed to be a key player in the watergate scandal, you claimed to have offered to make yourself available on any street corner in dc so that you could take a bullet in order to save your president's honor.

several times in 1983, i almost had an opportunity to ask you the question i'm about to pose.  luckily i got squeezed out cuz i see now it woulda been premature.   (the first time was at the wilshire theatre during the question & answer portion of the 'leary/liddy debate'...thanks to a guy with a seeing-eye dog who claimed leary was responsible for the acidheads who hit this guy full in the face with a shotgun blast; the next time was at a cocktail party some months later when you left just as i was arriving.)

anyway...here's my question:

considering you pretty much--by your own admission--failed at everything you tried to do prior to being hired by the nixon whitehouse (and we all know how that worked out), why haven't you done anything to reclaim your own honor...as a man...a failed fbi agent...a failed district attorney...a failed candidate...a failed secret agent & conspirator? 

it would be more than a lil bit presumptious of me to insist you take a really drastic step like doin yourself.  specially now when there's a great alternative.

mark felt is still walking around and now he's bragging about how he helped bring you and your buddies down.  sure he's an old man...and, yeah, he hadda stroke a couple years ago and he aint in that good shape.  but your hand prolly aint that steady anymore either.   

all ya gotta do is synch your shakes to his and you should be able to avenge your associates...and reclaim your honor.

my advice:  do it at very close range. 

you can't afford to fuck this one up, gordo. 


on Jun 02, 2005
booom-p  dammit g, ya done missed him.
on Jun 02, 2005
Sounds like Craig Livingstone.  Different adminstration, different president.  SOS (Same old Sleaze).
on Jun 02, 2005
Sounds like Craig Livingstone

yeah, the nixon whitehouse, its enemies list, the plumbers, creep, liddy, hunt, magruder, colson, mitchell, haldeman, erlichman, l patrick gray, etc. oh...and let's not forget henry kissinger...sound vaguely like craig livingstone to the power of 100.
on Jun 02, 2005
They were all slimy, if you ask me.

agreed. but impotent sliminess is generally deplorable but not much of a hazard, whereas powerful slime is dangerous.
on Jun 02, 2005
....whereas powerful slime is dangerous

Ain't dat da truth!!!

Oh dubya............
on Jun 06, 2005
Maybe he'll eat another rat to overcome his fear of doing "the honorable thing." ;~D
on Jun 06, 2005
Maybe he'll eat another rat to overcome his fear of doing "the honorable thing." ;~

i'm afraid he could eat nothin but rats for a month without any sign of improvement. i dunno if you can find it but 'true' or 'argosy' (one of those men's magazines) once published liddy's first person account of the raid on leary's home at millbrook, ny in 64 or 65. liddy was the county prosecutor at the time. it's an amazing piece of writing in which liddy describes peering thru a window--just before the door was kicked in at 2am--and discovering the residents were watching a film being projected on the wall. he was convinced it hadda be pornography and was totally nonplussed when he got inside and realized it was a loop of a waterfall.
on Jun 06, 2005

sound vaguely like craig livingstone to the power of 100.

Well, this is not about Clinton or Livingstone, so I will leave the division of that 100 to another blog.  Suffice it to say, i would not want to be forced to slice the difference between the 2.