fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
Winners Ought Not Be Whiners
Published on May 8, 2005 By kingbee In Current Events

although this may appear to be a response to gideon's declaration of independence from euphemism Link, it's actually something i've been meaning to do for a while, and owes its inspiration more to a recent flurry of rants, screeds and harangues by some strident self-proclaimed voices of the sorely oppressed majority.

as strange as this may seem, i feel a strong connection to--if not an actual bond with--of all people, moses. i'm almost positive i know now how he felt upon seeing his traveling companions fanatically worshipping a gleaming golden calf, mindless of the fact they'd created the object they were then venerating as god.

i grieve for moses.  if only he'd been given a dictionary along with the tablets,  he might not have felt the need to make such a big scene, opting instead to wait for a break in the action at which time he coulda imposed upon one of the idolators to see for himself why that particular statue could not--by definition--be a god.

i may not have been to the mountaintop, but i am able to access a whole buncha dictionaries and i invite yall to take a moment to do the same in hopes you'll be able to assure yourselves that, by definition, representatives, advocates and supporters of the prevailing political philosophy are themselves collectively the politically correct.

conversely, those who do not represent the majority view and/or are unable to persuade 1 more than 50% of voting citizens to agree with their take on things are...politically uncorrect. 

thus, karl rove is the reigning prince of political correctness which has worked to the benefit of his politically correct clientele who now govern the nation by virtue of their own publicly approved political correctness.

suffice to say your impassioned demands to conduct yourselves without regard to the feelings of others--or to proudly be overtly insulting and boorish--are sorta disingenuous at best. 

i could go on and on here, but instead i'll simply offer one final example of the sort of confusion in which yall are indulging yourselves. 

when something is less than good, it's commonly purported to 'suck'.  in fact, not sucking is the less preferred state is it not?  same sorta reverse logic in action.

wake up white people.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 08, 2005
an admittedly political, if not necessarily correct, bump
on May 08, 2005
If I thought for a second that the so called "leaders" who profit off feigned offense were anything but disengenuous when they dub words "acceptable" and "unacceptable", you might have a point.

There are words I don't use that are "PCisms" because they are inherently offensive. On the other hand, when a few members of a minority presume to speak for the whole, there is no reason to respect their claim over their minority.

Why should I (or anyone else) care if Jesse Jackson wants those of his race to be called "People of Color" but not "Colored". The words mean exactly the same thing. Guess what Rev. Al, "Negro" means "Black", so what's the point in getting all blustery if a person uses either synonym?

The most blatant example of the stupidity behind the whole thing is, how racist to you have to be to assume that a handful of members of a minority speak for that group?

"African-Americans are offended by the word 'Black'" Has got to be one of the most prejudice statement ever uttered.

{{{Note: No, I'm not implying that you said that line, I merely use it as an example of blatant racism among those who assume all members of a race are of one opinion on anything.)))
on May 08, 2005
I hear the stupid claims that black people want to be called "African-American" all the time. Funny thing is, all of the black folks I know refer to themselves as "black" and rarely if ever use that stupid term. I know one black guy in particular who gets a bit irritated every time someone uses the term as he has never been to Africa and has no desire to go there. (His words)

A great many of my relatives are pure blooded Apache. I am a high percentage, but not pure. My relatives refer to themsevlves as either Apache or Indian. I don't know a single one who uses the PC term "Native American". I don't use it either.

Maybe some of you folks should stop assuming you know what others consider to be insulting, stop trying to push your PC terms on people who don't want them, and go find something more important to do.

Here's a thought: how about the term "American"? Seems to fit.
on May 08, 2005
There are words I don't use that are "PCisms" because they are inherently offensive

pcism almost sounds like the backhandedly correct way of describing pc don't it?
on May 08, 2005
I don't know a single one who uses the PC term "Native American".

i find the whole thing both amusing and disturbing. my point is that what was once considered politically correct (and may have been at the time) is--in the minds of a good many people it would appear--frozen in time.

those who seem to have the most difficulty with the concept are alligned with the prevailing political mindset and are therefore themselves the forces of political correctness.

a while back i was accused of belittling those for whom jeff foxworthy provides identity clues (even tho i don't myself think of people in terms of that designation so it's highly unlikely i would ever actually speak it). since then, though, i've noticed that when it's used as an insult, those who object the loudest are likely to be the same ones who reject as oppressive what seems to me nothing more than sensible civility.
on May 08, 2005
LOL, most of us who actually ARE rednecks know it and are proud of it.
on May 08, 2005

So if you are in the majority, you cannot be discriminated against, or have anything hateful said of you, since you are the majority?

You know what?  That sucks.

on May 08, 2005
Hate is hate regardless of who it is directed toward or coming from. I just find this whole PC oversensitivity to be stupid. Some of my favorite comedians are black making jokes about white. I'm not insulted, I think it's funny.

People just take themselves too damn seriously.
on May 08, 2005

all i'm saying is that it stands to reason those who lost the election, who don't have the mandate, who arent in charge cannot possibly be politically correct.  those who won, who have the mandate and are in charge are tho.

how you manage to convince yourself that your attitudes aren't politically correct is beyond my poor ability to reason--unless it's that yall just aint happy with nothin to bitch about. 

You know what? That sucks

sucks is good...compared to the alternative. 

on May 08, 2005
If you've ever mowed your lawn and found a car, you might be a redneck.
If you've ever gone to a family reunion to meet women, you might be a redneck. "That ain't funny, is it sis?" *kiss*
If your family tree doesn't fork, you might be a redneck.
on May 08, 2005
So if you are in the majority, you cannot be discriminated against, or have anything hateful said of you, since you are the majority?You know what? That sucks.

I agree. Aren't the most powerful people the ones who most need to have their egos deflated once in awhile?
on May 09, 2005

all i'm saying is that it stands to reason those who lost the election, who don't have the mandate, who arent in charge cannot possibly be politically correct. those who won, who have the mandate and are in charge are tho.

IN an ideal setting, you would be correct.  But the Majority do not control the outlets for Political Correctness, and thus the majority often is non-PC, and the minority is making the rules.

Also, while not directly to the point, the issue that a majoirty cannot be discriminated against is BS.  It only takes one person to discriminate, and it happens all the time.  Does that mean it is more prevalent than the discrimination against minorities?  No, only that no one does anything about it because it is the majority, and that is inherantly wrong.

on May 09, 2005
It all comes down to my old saying "Victim = Respect". Those who can most successfully paint themselves as "victim" get to decide what is PC and what isn't. Those who aren't victims, must be victimizers, so shouldn't get to decide anything.

Go ahead, put "victim=respect" to any test where one person or group is vying for the upper hand (or is that the lower hand) in the PC planet.
on May 09, 2005
pcism almost sounds like the backhandedly correct way of describing pc don't it?

It's a way of expressing that political correctness is an ideology/religion.
on May 09, 2005
I hear the stupid claims that black people want to be called "African-American" all the time. Funny thing is, all of the black folks I know refer to themselves as "black" and rarely if ever use that stupid term.

Callin' me an African-American
Like everything is fair again.

Shit...Devil, you got to get the shit right
I'm black, blacker than a trillion midnights.
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