fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
There's Good News...and There's Bad News.
Published on March 17, 2005 By kingbee In Politics

warmonger (and, please, before you start heaving invective, understand i rarely use that designation but in this case its more than appropriate) paul wolfowitz--whose brilliant  financial acumen led him to prophesy the iraq adventure he worked so hard to bring to being would practically pay for itself once the chinches started into chinchin... oops i meant once  the blizzard of iraqi oil money began drifting into huge piles so it could be shoveled up--is about to validate the peter principle beyond even peter's wildest dreams.

(the chinches thing was actually a a george 'the kingfish' stevens project of equal fiduciary sagacity which played out in an 'amos n andy' episode involving the kingfish's plan to raise chinchillas in his bathtub.)

so anyway, after spending the last four years in the defense department living the role of the big, bad wolfowitz (he huffs...he puffs...he blows) giving new meaning to the rank of general catastrophe, good ol paul is gonna be movin on.  unfortunately, for the rest of us, president bush in his infantile wisdom is nominating the economic guru of our time to a position for which wolfowitz is even less qualified: president of the world bank. 

i guess the kingfish wasn't available due to prior commitments at the mystic knights of the sea lodgehall.

on Mar 17, 2005
hmmm if i dont bump these, they stay hidden for some reason. 
on Mar 17, 2005
I'm dumbfounded.

I found this in a story at ft.com

"Problems like poverty and HIV/AIDS need to be addressed for their own sake as humanitarian issues, but it's also the case that soundly-based economic development supports the advance of liberty and freedom as well." -- Paul Wolfowitz. (Italics mine.)

Make extortion, not war?

Of course, there is a certain element of extortion in the dealings of the World Bank and the IMF -- but this is a whole different species.

Overall, unlike your friendly neighborhood anarchist (masked, but slinging something other than a web), I see the World Bank as a good thing. But in the wrong hands.... Yikes.

on Mar 17, 2005
disaster . "soundly-based economic policies supporting the advance of liberty and freedom" means making it difficult to change the economic status quo. tighter economic global control=more poverty=more terrorism=more military misadvantures.. This is like appointing Count Dracula as manager of a Blood Bank. Jeez.
on Mar 17, 2005

Make extortion, not war?

hey wolfowitz isnt an either/or kinda guy (seriously you nailed him dead to rights).   as he told sam tannenhaus (vanity fair) in 2003 link

First of all, diplomacy that it's just words is rarely going to get you much unless you're dealing with people who basically share your values and your interests. I'm not against, I mean sometimes it does help to just have a better understanding.

But if you're talking about trying to move people to something that they're not inclined to do, then you've got to have leverage and one piece of leverage is the ultimate threat of force. It's something you need to be very careful about because, as Rumsfeld likes to say, don't cock unless you're prepared to throw it.

on Mar 17, 2005
This is like appointing Count Dracula as manager of a Blood Bank. Jeez.
  that's exactly what it's like.  despite how outrageous it is (or for perhaps that very reason), that's gotta be the most apt and amusing ironic observation i've run across in a while.
on Mar 17, 2005
(masked, but slinging something other than a web)

Oh my God! Right on! See you at 20 after 4!
on Mar 17, 2005
See you at 20 after 4!

ahahahaha believe it or dont (altho i got no reason to lie) the building i live in is officially designated as 420 w 6th street....so it's always 420 here.