fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute

throughout the latter stages of his re-election campaign, president bush insisted the first national iraqi election since saddam was deposed would take place in january 2005.  on november 21, 2004, iraq's election committee set january 30, 2005 as the date on which iraqis will choose a 275-seat national assembly, a kurdish national assembly and 18 provincial governing consuls.   that is also the last day by which such an election must be held in accordance with iraqi law. 

ayatollah sistani (whom i believe to be one of the shrewdest politicians in the world) is backing that schedule through proxies.  the shia majority are opposed to delaying the vote.  the two largest sunni parties would prefer the voting be delayed.  the kurds have flip-flopped but most recently seem to be backing the january 30th date.

im curious to know how many of you believe the january 30th date is realistic and your reasoning. 

on Dec 01, 2004
Well, it is sure that no one can argue with your title!

As it stands now, I think they will be. But it can still be derailed, so I will not say it WILL. only that it looks probable.
on Dec 01, 2004

, I think they will be. But it can still be derailed, so I will not say it WILL. only that it looks probable

your response is nearly as definite as my title.

i realized i hadnt offered my own opinion.  i highly doubt it will be.  i dont see how voters can be protected when the iraqi police are being killed by the dozen.  if it is, however, it will be seen as flawed by everyone but the shia (who are bound to come out on top). it appears as if sunnis are unlikely to participate fully.  understand id love to see it worked out properly.  im just not very optimistic. 

on Dec 02, 2004

cnn has repeatedly referred today to the 'total collapse' of the iraqi national police force, with commentators asking if the increased us military presence is a consequence.  bush has issued another firm commitment to elections on january 30, 2005.   is the new equivalent of 'vietnamization' going to be 'iraqization'?

on Dec 02, 2004
maybe i should start taking bets?