fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
No Republicans Need Apply Herein! LOL
Published on November 14, 2004 By kingbee In Politics
im curious to know if any ju democtrats are active in their local (state, county, city, district, precinct/ward) democratic party organization and for how long?
on Nov 14, 2004
jeez...nobody's active in local party politics? 
on Nov 15, 2004
I don't know what I am. I'm liberal, obviously, but I don't think I'm a democrat. I have a hard enough time peeling Power Rangers stickers off the floor and digging marshmallows out of the air hockey table ends . . . I don't think a political party wants my help.
on Nov 15, 2004

I have a hard enough time peeling Power Rangers stickers off the floor and digging marshmallows out of the air hockey table ends . . . I don't think a political party wants my help

im sorry mz w but youre clearly overqualified for in-the-trenches kinda entrance-level stuff we hand out.  have you ever considered running for national office? LOL

on Nov 15, 2004
I'm not actually a democrat, but I am a member of the student dems on campus and helped the Democratic HQ in town during the election. Still a member of student dems for social reasons, but my main goal in helping them this year was to defeat Bush. I don't care for the "progressive" social agenda of the dems, but I hate the republican policies, so I don't know how active I'm going to continue to be - at least in this party.
on Nov 15, 2004

I've been told many times that I am a liberal, but I don't "belong" to a particular party. I did however work on the McCain 2000 election so maybe I should be answering the Republican thread? So I guess my answer is, no, I don't work with the party, but I am active in politics (in fact, I work in politics).
on Nov 15, 2004
I'm not active in the Democratic Party, as I am not a Democrat, but I am active in our state (Arkansas) Green Party.
on Nov 15, 2004

I'm "active" in that I show up to vote, I eat dinner with the local party chairman, because we're both members of the rotary club, I work down the street from my democratic congressman.  I also complain regularly about how I'm being underpaid to my boss, who's a democrat.  Oh, and of course, as a university professor, I do my best to subvert the little, impressionable minds that come into my class, to the Evils that are the Democratic Party.


on Nov 15, 2004

I don't know how active I'm going to continue to be - at least in this party.

fair enough.  i appreciate your response.  i posted the question to find out who among us was active in local party politics.  perhaps i should have anticipated the possibility of cross-party-lines activism as well?

on Nov 15, 2004

I've been told many times that I am a liberal, but I don't "belong" to a particular party. I did however work on the McCain 2000 election so maybe I should be answering the Republican thread?

as noted above, maybe i should be asking smarter questions?   thanks for dropping by and helping me to see that. 

on Nov 15, 2004

I'm not active in the Democratic Party, as I am not a Democrat, but I am active in our state (Arkansas) Green Party

makes sense to me.  in another post about badnarik and the greens asking for an ohio recount, i mentioned i was gonna be asking the same question of libertarians.  maybe i shouldnt have focused on affiliation of any kind?

on Nov 15, 2004

I'm "active" in that I show up to vote, I eat dinner with the local party chairman, because we're both members of the rotary club, I work down the street from my democratic congressman.  I also complain regularly about how I'm being underpaid to my boss, who's a democrat.

youre killin me here.  good thing im goin out laffing.

I do my best to subvert the little, impressionable minds that come into my class, to the Evils that are the Democratic Party.

mah man!  all that hard work will pay off when youre ushered in to meet the 1000 virgins you earned in furtherance of the cause

on Nov 15, 2004
I'm fairly active in the local Democratic party. Of course, here in Minnesota it's the Democratic-Farmer-Labor party. I was conveener and chair of the Chatfield Township caucus, a delegate to the Fillmore County DFL Convention, and a delegate to the DFL State Convention in Duluth. This was only the second time I've been this active, since I'm only 20. Also, I did a lot of work for a local DFL candidate for State House. We only lost by 400 votes in a heavily conservate area against a 10-year incumbant! I call that a damn good campaign.
on Nov 16, 2004

conveener and chair of the Chatfield Township caucus, a delegate to the Fillmore County DFL Convention, and a delegate to the DFL State Convention in Duluth. This was only the second time I've been this active, since I'm only 20. Also, I did a lot of work for a local DFL candidate for State House. We only lost by 400 votes in a heavily conservate area against a 10-year incumbant! I call that a damn good campaign.[/quote]

at last!  i was really beginning to wonder if all the local stuff was now being done solely with computerized mailing/phone lists or robots or something.  sounds like you hadda pretty full year--im very impressed.

 your candidate lost to davids?  (that seemed the most likely of the several races in that area). if thats the case, 400 votes would be less than 5% of the total and, like you said, not at all bad against an entrenched incumbent.

i really appreciate your reply. 

 i feel like a successful diogenes on acid (lookin for politicos instead of the usual seach targets hahahaha).  im gonna let this rest for a day or two and then ill do something similar without specifying party affiliation to see if thatll turn up anyone else.   it suprises me there arent more real-life grassroots people in ju but...

on Nov 16, 2004
Yep, lost to Davids. I was disapointed, but at the same time it was neat to come so close. Next time! (that's what I said last time)

And I don't know why these threads don't have more activity. I guess a non-partisan one might turn up more. I just never really cared who knew my party affiliation. It would come out anyway when people looked at the candidates I marched in parades for, had bumper stickers for, or wrote letters to the editor in support of.