fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
Published on September 9, 2004 By kingbee In Politics

go to http://www.whitehouse.gov/vicepresident/ and you'll find a photo of dick cheney speaking to a group of marines at  camp pendleton, calif.  according to the caption, cheney told them:. "And the terrorists will fail because men and women like you stand in their way." 

scroll down the page and you'll find a cheney bio full of praise for his government service.  what you wont see there (or in his bio at http://www.georgewbush.com --the official bush-cheney re-election site) is any reference to the five years cheney ran halliburton corporation.

you may or may not be know there are at least two ongoing investigations seeking to determine the nature and scope of services provided to the iranian national oil company by halliburton corporation through a subsidiary chartered in the cayman islands.  the cayman islands office is always empty because the 'real' working offices are in dubai and tehran.  it is illegal for an american company to contract with the islamic government of iran.  halliburton claims the cayman islands subsidiary--halliburton products and services ltd--is independent of american control.  sooner--or more likely later, if bush-cheney are re-elected; so far its taken 3 years without any indication of resolution--the investigations will reach a conclusion. until those investigations have run their course, both the company and cheney are presumed to have conducted their business in compliance with us law.

there are other issues worth considering however.  issues that go beyond the artifice of legality and the technicality of compliance. among them are these: why would halliburton agree to provide services of any type to iran in the first place?  why does the us government give preference on huge contracts to a company that is working to the benefit of our enemies in iran.  how does the head of a company that assists iran wind up vice-president of the usa? 

nearly 24 years ago,  the us embassy in tehran was overrun by students acting in the name of the new islamic republic of iran.  66 people were taken hostage, 14 of whom were released shortly thereafter.  the rest were finally freed after 444 days of captivity in january, 1981 following a year and a half of negotiations and the transfer of money and weapons to iran. over the next 11 years, the islamic government of iran funded/supported/assisted in the kidnapping and murder of americans in lebanon as well as  suicide bomb attacks on both the american embassy and a marine barracks in beirut resulting in the deaths of  258 americans including 244 us marines. 

in 1993, then president clinton proclaimed a new policy of 'dual containment' which would punish iran for its support of islamic terrorists, discourage iranian efforts to more substantially destabilize the middle east and impede iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons capability. in april, 1995 clinton signed an  executive order banning trade with iran.  the next year, congress passed the libya-iran sanctions act. 

cheney, former deputy chief of staff for gerald ford, congressman from wyoming from 1977-1987 and secretary of defense from march 1989 to january 1993--who was, presumably,  privy to intelligence about those iranian activities that prompted clinton's containment of iran--was appointed chairman, president and ceo of halliburton in august 1995.  how halliburton chose cheney...or why the company would even consider a person with virtually no experience running a business (or for that matter virtually no experience doing anything in the private sector) for that position...are matters for another article. 

as head of halliburton,  cheney publicly advocated having the government drop sanctions against american businesses helping iran and libya to enrich themselves. while conceding his company was already engaged in contracts with those two countries, but only through subsidiaries, cheney emphaticaly stated halliburton would not do any business with iraq.  dresser industries had no such scruples.   halliburton's purchase of dresser industries is considered one of the highpoints of cheneys tenure there.  as a consequence of that purchase, halliburton assumed dresser's contracts with iraq.  as a result, while cheney was head of halliburton, the organization was working on behalf of  libya, iran and iraq

as i've already noted, there are ongoing investigations into allegations that halliburton under cheney violated the spirit if not the letter of those sanctions prohibiting  american entities from doing business with iran.  until those investigations are concluded, halliburton and cheney deserve the benefit of the doubt as far as legalities go.

yet it seems pertinent to wonder why a patriotic american such as cheney would--for any reason--consider providing services that could only help our enemies in iran.  cheney's not a foolish man, so it couldn't be out of stupidity.  nor is it likely he was merely not paying attention.  corporations don't bestow $30 million dollar stock option packages on the inept. 

was it all about money? 

cheney was less than candid when he announced in 2000,  "Since I've left Halliburton to become George Bush's vice-president, I've severed all my ties with the company, gotten rid of all my financial interests. I have no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind and haven't now for over three years."

according to the congressional research service, patriot cheney received $205.,298 in deferred salary from halliburton during 2001 and $162,392 in 2002.  similar payments are scheduled through 2005  with an insurance policy in place to guarantee them even if halliburton were to go belly up.  halliburton's iranian profits may only represent a few dollars of those payments (it may be more, rather than less disturbing that cheney didn't make a lot of money for permitting his former company to assist our enemies in iran).

if terrorists fail--as we all hope they will--it apparently wont be because men like dick cheney as head of halliburton stood in their way. unlike the marines in that photo, he had 'other interests'.    

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 09, 2004
Once again Kingbee - thanks for sharing, a lot of people wouldn't get to read this stuff if it wasn't for you. I guess the political climate in Iran is even more sensitve now, you wouldn't want to go and invade a neighbouring country creating more anti U.S. sentiment in the region, would you?

oh... wait...

on Sep 09, 2004
there are other issues worth considering however. issues that go beyond the artifice of legality and the technicality of compliance. among them are these: why would halliburton agree to provide services of any type to iran in the first place? why does the us government give preference on huge contracts to a company that is working to the benefit of our enemies in iran. how does the head of a company that assists iran wind up vice-president of the usa?

You typed the wrong word. "ex-head of" not head of.
cheney was less than candid when he announced in 2000, "Since I've left Halliburton to become George Bush's vice-president, I've severed all my ties with the company, gotten rid of all my financial interests. I have no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind and haven't now for over three years."
according to the congressional research service, patriot cheney received $205.,298 in deferred salary from halliburton during 2001 and $162,392 in 2002. similar payments are scheduled through 2005 with an insurance policy in place to guarantee them even if halliburton were to go belly up. halliburton's iranian profits may only represent a few dollars of those payments (it may be more, rather than less disturbing that cheney didn't make a lot of money for permitting his former company to assist our enemies in iran).

This what's known as a "severance package". You haven't had much dealings in the corporate world have you? And BTW "ex-President" Bill Clinton was the FIRST one to award contracts to the Halliburton company. But I don't hear you saying anything about that.
on Sep 09, 2004
I read somewhere that Cheney is donating his deferred payments to charity.

I think an important question is, what services were being provided? I doubt Haliburton was selling them weapons.
on Sep 09, 2004
Halliburton is a logistics / energy company.  This sort of "Halliburton is the devil" thing is just silly.  This is right up there with the claims that IBM aided the holacaust.
on Sep 09, 2004

thanks for sharing

thanks for reading muggaz.  in this case, im more concerned about americans helping iran than invading there but it may come to that i guess.

on Sep 09, 2004

You typed the wrong word. "ex-head of" not head of

nope.  he was head of halliburton when he was picked to be vp


This what's known as a "severance package". You haven't had much dealings in the corporate world have you?

nope.  im just a lost lil lamb in the big world of corporate finance.  back at the lamb pen, we call em annual deferred compensation checks and stock option packages. more importantly and to the point, the congressional research center arm of the library of congress calls deferred salary or compensation received from a private corporation -- as well as unexercised stock options -- a continuing financial interest as defined by federal ethics laws.

on Sep 09, 2004

I read somewhere that Cheney is donating his deferred payments to charity.

cheney's said he was going to donate donate the after-tax proceeds from his stock options to three charities; that doesnt discharge his obligation to file the necessary reports (something he apparently was not doing if he was sincere in his earlier claims he wasnt receiving any income from halliburton)

an important question is, what services were being provided? I doubt Haliburton was selling them weapons

of course theyre not selling weapons.  according to a halliburton report:

Principal activity in Iran occurs through the operations of Halliburton Products & Services, Limited, a Cayman Islands company, headquartered in Dubai, U.A.E. (hereinafter HPSL). HPSL performs between $30 and $40 million annually in oilfield service work in Iran, consisting of cementing, completions work, downhole tools and well testing, stimulation services, PDC drilling bits, coring bits, fluids logging and the provision of drilling fluids.

HPSL Business 2002
$ (000's)
$ (000's)
Completion Products & Services 7,722 10,274
Tools & Testing 3,346 4,197
Production Enhancement 4,763 4,029
Sperry-Sun Drilling Services 1,060 946
Security DBS Drill Bits 2,659 1,690
Baroid Drilling Fluids 4,383 5,989
Zonal Isolation (Cementing) 5,190 8,275
Bundled Services 142 3,665
TOTALS 29,264 39,065

The operation is profitable, and as shown in the chart, revenues are increasing generally across the board.

The wells themselves on which HPSL performs services in Iran are all of moderate depths and pressures, and do not present any unique technical challenge. Environmental conditions in the Persian Gulf and onshore Iran present little risk. Consequently, there is very little risk of technical failure connected with the operations there.

there are several other halliburton subsidiaries that make parts for the operations described above...and one thats building an ammonia plant for the iranians.    

on Sep 09, 2004

Halliburton is a logistics / energy company. This sort of "Halliburton is the devil" thing is just silly. This is right up there with the claims that IBM aided the holacaust

while $40 million dollars is not a substantial chunk of halliburton's total earnings, the iranians arent paying it for nothing.  halliburton's expertise ultimately boosts irans oil revenues.  the more money iran has to spend, the more it can spend on acquiring nuclear weapons or funding hezbollah.  in any event, halliburton is operating counter to us interests and policies because iran is NOT being isolated.

furthermore, despite your assertion elsewhere, this isnt work hallirburton alone is qualified to do.  they have competitors in iran--including conoco-phillips (which has announced it will accept no new business from terrorist states)

on Sep 09, 2004
You know we are also trying to make nice nice with Libya, 8th Largest Oil Reserves in the world, who just happen to have a lovely little dictator named Omar Quadaffi, but if you don't want us to be friends with Omar and Iran, I suggest working on the American Public to stop the deals, not to bash Cheney for being a former head of Haliburton and now the V.P., I bet we would hear the same things about Bill Gates if he was V.P. and Microsoft made some deals.

Also what about a little thing known as the Oil For Food Program, a lot of coutries benefitted from abusing that program, and are now to cover this collective arses are trying to throw discrediting information about the U.S. at the world.

Today's Ally is Tomorrow's Enemy, while Today's Enemy is Tomorrow's Ally.
on Sep 09, 2004

I suggest working on the American Public to stop the deals, not to bash Cheney for being a former head of Haliburton

actually thats how this all came to light.  a lot of pension funds invest in companies like halliburton, ge and conoco-phillips.  doing business with terrorist states can degrade a company's worth and the investors lose.  nevertheless, some of this work was contracted while cheney was head of the company.   during the late 90s, he was fulminating for the sanctions and bans to be voided so halliburton could do more work with these countries.   

when cheney was in sydney, australia in 1998, he told a reporter for australia’s illawarra mercury newspaper “I think we’d be better off if we, in fact, backed off those sanctions (on Iran), didn’t try to impose secondary boycotts on companies … trying to do business over there ... and instead started to rebuild those relationships.”

this has nothing to do with oil for food.  it's about an american company that is contributing to iran's oil for terror program. 

on Sep 09, 2004
Today's Ally is Tomorrow's Enemy, while Today's Enemy is Tomorrow's Ally.

American Companies have only one goal in mind to keep the cars fueled, and if it so bad for them to being doing to this than we should also take a stand on all Oil Companies, and Car Companies, etc. that are doing this, along with people of the American Public who purchasing the products of these companies, and Alternative Fuel is not the answer, it will only be the answer if you replace everything oil is used for, not just the gasoline and lubricants in a car, and not just cars, if you do just cars the job is only half done.
on Sep 09, 2004

Reply #6 By: kingbee - 9/9/2004 10:35:04 AM
You typed the wrong word. "ex-head of" not head of

nope. he was head of halliburton when he was picked to be vp
This what's known as a "severance package". You haven't had much dealings in the corporate world have you?

nope. im just a lost lil lamb in the big world of corporate finance. back at the lamb pen, we call em annual deferred compensation checks and stock option packages. more importantly and to the point, the congressional research center arm of the library of congress calls deferred salary or compensation received from a private corporation -- as well as unexercised stock options -- a continuing financial interest as defined by federal ethics laws.

You totally ignored the last of my post about Clinton. But that's okay here's some stuff to show you where your wrong. VP Cheney left Halliburton in 2000 "BEFORE" he was elected as VP>

Halliburton Internal Investigation Finds Talk of Nigerian Bribes - Reuters - Article - 2004-09-02

''Halliburton Co. said an internal probe uncovered information suggesting that members of a consortium it helps lead considered bribing Nigerian officials to win business.''

''Halliburton said that beginning in 1995, the consortium entered into a series of agency agreements related to the project. But the company said it has found no evidence that Nigerian officials were paid for business.''

''Cheney was Halliburton’s chief executive from 1995 to 2000. Halliburton said almost all of the conduct under question occurred before it acquired the subsidiary taking part in the consortium, in 1998.''

And here's something else. This is from "The Guardian".

Halliburton, the Texas company which has been awarded the Pentagon's contract to put out potential oil-field fires in Iraq and which is bidding for postwar construction contracts, is still making annual payments to its former chief executive, the vice-president Dick Cheney.
The payments, which appear on Mr Cheney's 2001 financial disclosure statement, are in the form of "deferred compensation" of up to $1m (£600,000) a year.

When he left Halliburton in 2000 to become George Bush's running mate, he opted not to receive his leaving payment in a lump sum but instead have it paid to him over five years, possibly for tax reasons.

Can you explain just what is wrong with "deffered compensation"? Just because he's VP means he should just "forget" about money that's owed to him? I'd be willing to bet "YOU" would not "forget" about that much money!

on Sep 09, 2004

You totally ignored the last of my post about Clinton. But that's okay here's some stuff to show you where your wrong. VP Cheney left Halliburton in 2000 "BEFORE" he was elected as VP

you were wrong about clinton and youre still wrong about cheney.  please read more carefully.  cheney was head of halliburton until he agreed to run as bush's vice presidential candidate.  when he was ghwbush's sectretary of defense--prior to clinton's election--he hired kbr to do the research that led to the first logcap contract (kbr being a subsidiary of halliburton) in 1992. 

normally office holders do not receive money directly from former employers because it creates the appearance of special interest; thats why they invented other financial stuff im not familiar with like blind trusts

i dont know why youre posting this nigeria bribery stuff.  that's a whole other story.  also please dont feel you need to quote every word of a previous comment.  youre wasting a lot of virtual paper and youll eventualy find a swarm of virtual treehuggers dogging your every step

on Sep 09, 2004

Today's Ally is Tomorrow's Enemy, while Today's Enemy is Tomorrow's Ally.

i think for cheney it's more like today's enemy is tomorrow's customer while tomorrows customer is the next days terrormonger (but still a good customer)

on Sep 10, 2004
i think for cheney it's more like today's enemy is tomorrow's customer while tomorrows customer is the next days terrormonger (but still a good customer)

but the trick is figuring out who's who and which is which, if done wrong you hurt the business or in the other case foreign policy, so...
If you didn't know what you know about Libya, but they needed you to help them build an oilfield and they were friendly and nice in the 1970s would you do it for your company, after all there are big benefits and profits to be had, and what about Turkey they were the Ottoman Empire and they were are enemy but they are no longer so should we do a deal with them, but both could turn around and go FIRE BOOM, and get you, so it's predicting human nature of some leaders who are nice one minute and not the second, and right now I think everyone as a whole lacks that knowledge of how to predict human actions 100%.
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