10% Inspiration, 106% Constipation!
"Always remember...don't forget. Wait. Maybe it's don't forget..always remember." -- Reginald Van Gleason "If you have 5 apples and Little Susie has 2 pairs, you better fold."--Cleveland Amoritization. "Follow your heart--unless youre an organ donor." --Nutley Gojonzon. "Set a good example...you never know when the Romper Room Do-Bee Lady is gonna pull out that magic mirror."--Lanolin Z. Prepuce. He who builds his mansion on stilts can fall farther than he who don't" -- Stash Weenleaf Grittier. "I may not have been to the moon, but that didnt stop me from visiting Pearblossom" --Marginal Lucidity "I met a man with no feet...and then i met a man with no shoes. But it didnt sink it." --Waldheim Von Ratschitt "Jello is jello wherever you go, as long as it aint more than a mile outside of Manhattan!" -- Hjamdjoon al Bundi "He who tells you it's all over may be a judge"--Filagree Pryzblnski & PooPoo. "Setting a goal is rarely main street; Oak Street didnt start as Acorn Street." --Harvey Pall. "Whatever doesnt kill you may just fuck you up pretty bad." Olivia Newtron-Bahmb. "While driving through the Lone Star State, I lost my lunch before I ate; it happened at a honky tonk cafe" --Kinky Friedman.