fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
10% Inspiration, 106% Constipation!
Published on August 10, 2004 By kingbee In Blogging
"Always remember...don't forget.  Wait.  Maybe it's don't forget..always remember." -- Reginald Van Gleason  "If you have 5 apples and Little Susie has 2 pairs, you better fold."--Cleveland Amoritization. "Follow your heart--unless youre an organ donor." --Nutley Gojonzon. "Set a good example...you never know when the Romper Room Do-Bee Lady is gonna pull out that magic mirror."--Lanolin Z. Prepuce. He who builds his mansion on stilts can fall farther than he who don't" -- Stash Weenleaf Grittier.  "I may not have been to the moon, but that didnt stop me from visiting Pearblossom" --Marginal Lucidity   "I met a man with no feet...and then i met a man with no shoes. But it didnt sink it." --Waldheim Von Ratschitt "Jello is jello wherever you go, as long as it aint more than a mile outside of Manhattan!" -- Hjamdjoon al Bundi  "He who tells you it's all over may be a judge"--Filagree Pryzblnski & PooPoo. "Setting a goal is rarely main street; Oak Street didnt start as Acorn Street." --Harvey Pall.  "Whatever doesnt kill you may just fuck you up pretty bad." Olivia Newtron-Bahmb.  "While driving through the Lone Star State, I lost my lunch before I ate; it happened at a honky tonk cafe" --Kinky Friedman.
on Aug 10, 2004

King, sweetie....it wasn't so much the quotes you chose,  it was the names of the quoters that had me rolling with laughter.

Waldheim Von Ratschitt......ahahahahahahaahahahahahaahah!!!!

on Aug 10, 2004

King, sweetie....it wasn't so much the quotes you chose, it was the names of the quoters that had me rolling with laughter.

dharma, isn't he wonderful ? *swooning*

Marginal Lucidity

ah. my new pen name. may i ?

vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 10, 2004

dharma, isn't he wonderful

Yes, he is.....

on Aug 10, 2004
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Thank you for bringing us some humor today!
on Aug 10, 2004
"Whatever doesnt kill you may just fuck you up pretty bad."

So true . . .
on Aug 11, 2004

, it was the names of the quoters that had me rolling with laughter

glad ya liked em dharma.  got me crackin up here at my own silliness now.

on Aug 11, 2004

my new pen name. may i ?

of course!  altho im not sure its sufficiently clever. it may do til somethin better comes along

on Aug 11, 2004

altho im not sure its sufficiently clever. it may do til somethin better comes along

I thought it was really very clever...you never cease to amaze me!  You and Miggy both!

on Aug 23, 2004
"If you have 5 apples and Little Susie has 2 pairs, you better fold."--Cleveland Amoritization.

Waaaait a minute... 5 apples (i.e. a heart flush) EASILY beats 2 pair! Don't trust Cleve! He must be some kind of card shark, out to destroy your poker-playing abilities!