fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
It Really IS All About Image
Published on June 8, 2004 By kingbee In Current Events

as the nation readies itself for the pomp of former president reagan's state funeral, you'll see lots of pictures of president bush paying his respects. regardless of his sincerity (and i don't for a minute question his grief or sympathy for the reagan family), bush will, of course, benefit by association with the event--especially through poignant images that show bush in close proximity to the casket.

the image that's not visible above the text is bush paying the same respect to those killed in action in iraq. their caskets are deliberately kept out of the media and bush has made a concerted effort not to be photographed or videotaped with or near their caskets or at their memorial services.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 08, 2004
Umm... What the hell was your point? That the President gives speeches over people that have died? Yes, let's find some way to put a bad spin on that one.
on Jun 08, 2004
my point is this president--either by his own choice or at the behest of his advisers; it makes no difference because its shameful either way--has gone out of his way to avoid attending, and thus being photographed, at memorial services for military personnel who died in service to their country in iraq.
on Jun 08, 2004
let's find some way to put a bad spin on that one.

it spins itself pretty badly without my help.
on Jun 09, 2004
I agree wit ya Kingbee, Bush is a cunt (no pun intended), I sure as hell didnt vote for him. So dont look at me.

Also, do you know that song- about "I'm a king bee buzzin round ma hive"? it's bluesy with a funky jazz fusion twist. Perhaps ur named after it?Just wondered...
Smeeeelll ya later

love Dylxx
on Jun 09, 2004
im very familiar with it (there are lots of covers but authorship is generally conceded to slim harpo--if you havent heard him doin it, you should) and thats the song from which i took my nick. verrrrry insightful!
on Jun 09, 2004
bush will, of course, benefit by association with the event--especially through poignant images that show bush in close proximity to the casket.

Did you see Kerry at the Reagan Library today? (Somehow I doubt he rode the bus in and waited in line.)
on Jun 09, 2004
of course he didnt. im not sure what your point is tho cuz this has nothing to do with kerry

bush is the only president in my memory (which goes back pretty far) to actively avoid being photographed anywhere near the casket or graveside of soldiers fighting in a war over which he presides..
on Jun 09, 2004
You don't think it's remotely relevant to point out that Kerry also (apparently tried to) "benefit by association with the event--especially through poignant images that show (him) in close proximity to the casket. " After all, it was Kerry, not Bush who jumped out there with this image. That, despite your insinuations, Bush hasn't made sure to butt his way past the citizenship and get good prime mourning coverage.

If Bush were out there with soldiers' caskets wouldn't you then be blogging about how crass and insensitive he was to be trying to make political hay with them?
on Jun 09, 2004
And in case you still don't get it. I doubt you'd be accusing Bush of getting political mileage out of Reagan's death if this wasn't an election year. That being the case, Kerry's actions become relevant as a rebutal.

Your point about how Bush has handled the soldiers' caskets and funerals is worth making. The rest of your article, I feel, is b.s. (bovine scatology).

It could have been handled much less inflammatorily by saying something along the lines of "While you see Bush mourning Reagan this week, keep in mind those who we have not seen him mourn: the dead and wounded American military from Iraq."

Then you could have gone on at any length you desired about how he has handled that situation. But to subtitle your article "It Really IS All About Image" and imply that he is only being seen with Reagan's casket because it is politically advantageous (especially when the only one who has been seen doing anything that could be accused of same is his opposition) is disgusting.

Most of your article is perfectly fine, but the lines
"regardless of his sincerity (and i don't for a minute question his grief or sympathy for the reagan family), bush will, of course, benefit by association with the event--especially through poignant images that show bush in close proximity to the casket. "
cross over the line. I think by feeling it necessary to insert a half-hearted disclaimer of "(and i don't for a minute question his grief or sympathy for the reagan family)" in the middle you knew that. Without those lines, it is about
bush is the only president in my memory (which goes back pretty far) to actively avoid being photographed anywhere near the casket or graveside of soldiers fighting in a war over which he presides..
With those lines it covers far more territory than perhaps you intended.

It was very poorly worded, especially at a time of national mourning. (I would like to think the hasty wording said something you didn't intend it to.) You really shouldn't be surprised if you receive negative reaction.

on Jun 09, 2004
Has it occurred to you that maybe the president does not want to bring unwanted attention and publicity to military familes?
on Jun 09, 2004
(especially when the only one who has been seen doing anything that could be accused of same is his opposition)

i suppose i could have also mentioned kerry cancelling two major fundraisers--one on each coast--that have been in planning since march in order to 'butt his way' (he remains a senator does he not--with the deference normally attached to that office as well as security considerations associated with a presumptive nominee?) past those waiting in line. i might also have questioned why--considering the relatively short trip from sea island to dc--bush waited til after the g8 meeting, but i didnt.

i wasnt in a hurry. i was and am angry that bush is more concerned about his image than he is doing the right thing. i doubt anyone is expecting a 'gettysburg address' from this president ('let's roll' pretty much alerted us to that). still it might be fitting and just for him to show some respect for those whove given their all at his command.
on Jun 09, 2004
Has it occurred to you that maybe the president does not want to bring unwanted attention and publicity to military familes?

to buy into that notion, i'd also have to conclude his predecessors were a cruel and insensitive bunch for having disregarded those considerations over the past 200+ years.
on Jun 09, 2004
You've made an excellent point. The very least this man could do is give honor to those fallen in his war.
on Jun 09, 2004
i suppose i could have also mentioned kerry cancelling two major fundraisers--one on each coast--that have been in planning since march in order to 'butt his way'

That can also be seen as political grandstanding -- finding a way to put the focus on himself and look good at a time when nobody would be paying much attention to him anyway -- if one wanted to nit-pick and ascribe negative intentions to people just because they were from the other side of the political aisle.

i might also have questioned why--considering the relatively short trip from sea island to dc--bush waited til after the g8 meeting, but i didnt.

Damned if he does and damned if he doesn't, huh, Kingbee?

i was and am angry that bush is more concerned about his image than he is doing the right thing.

You really don't know what he cares about. You only have an opinion informed and clouded by your negative emotions. Are you quite sure your hatred hasn't clouded your judgment and rationality?

You've made an excellent point. The very least this man could do is give honor to those fallen in his war.

It is a legitimate point. Unfortunately he went beyond that in the way he chose to express it. I continue to find the purposeful accusation of Bush using Reagan's death for political gain disgusting.
on Jun 10, 2004
That can also be seen as political grandstanding -- finding a way to put the focus on himself and look good at a time when nobody would be paying much attention to him anyway -- if one wanted to nit-pick and ascribe negative intentions to people just because they were from the other side of the political aisle.

it would be very expensive and self-destructive grandstanding at best, and to what effect?

Are you quite sure your hatred hasn't clouded your judgment and rationality?

hatred is galaxies away from anger.

you seem to want to believe(and ive read your basis for that opinion) that i feel the reagan funeral is being orchestrated as a campaign photo-op. i may be stupid but im not yet that crazy.

the image to which i refer in the subtitle is the image thats not viewable above the text because it doesnt exist. i do a lot of online searching and im generally successful in finding what's available. ive tried several times over the past several years (and did it again before posting this article) to find a single shot of bush attending a funeral for any member of our armed forces who died in combat in iraq or afghanistan.

ive been unusually tied up today but i did catch some live coverage of reagan's body being offloaded upon its arrival at andrews. as this was happening, the commentators described how great a role the military plays in a state funeral for their deceased commander-in-chief.

do i really need to explain further why i find the current president's effort to disassociate himself from the funerals of their brothers and sisters in arms so unworthy of his office?

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