fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
Published on May 23, 2004 By kingbee In Current Events

cheaper than maps to the star's homes too

(wanna make one with your own message? go here )

on May 23, 2004
This is very clever.....well to me anyway.
on May 23, 2004
i found it rather amusing and wanted to share the fun. glad you enjoy it
on May 23, 2004
Hey you think they have a map to where cher can be found?

Im just curious is all

on May 23, 2004
my guess would be some sorta recent wedding event in massachusetts

i was torn between that response and posting a new pic offering a map to chez cher. entropy triumphed hahahaha
on May 23, 2004
How about http://www.ryano.net/iraq/?982558 ? Thanks!
on May 24, 2004
i guess i wasnt awake or bored enough earlier cuz it just occured to me to change the number and see what kind of nonsense others have been creating on this site.

what fools these mortals be
on May 25, 2004
amazing what people are doing with photo editors these days... Too bad the Iraqi prison photos weren't fakes...
on May 25, 2004
i so wish they were.