fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
No Bush Left Behind
Published on March 26, 2006 By kingbee In Politics

altho i can't recall ever feeling anything but creeped out by george hw bush,  his wife, barbara, always seemed to me a pleasant, down-to-earth very likeable woman.  i could never imagine what she could have seen in her husband nor how much alcohol she musta had to imbibe in order to mother his children.  speaking of which, i never...ever...thought badly of her for bringing them into the world.  after all, that was something she's hadda live with for over  half century. 

as badly as i hate to admit it, i couldn't have been more wrong about her. *

friends, i'm talkin bamboozled, hoodwinked and hornswoggled by a woman who insisted the sizeable sum of money she donated to the hurricane katrina effort was only to be used to buy said victims a device known as a COW (or curriculum on wheels) manufactured by the ignite! corporation.

the ceo of ignite! just happens to be her rotten son, neil. 

how does a guy who makes money for nothin and gets chicks for free (without even askin for em according to his sworn testimony)...whose own curriculum vitae includes busting out every previous enterprise he's ever run (including a savings & loan which went broke thanks to loans to his business partners which you ultimately hadda pay for)...a guy with no experience with high tech anything other than being paid 10s of thousands of dollars each year for attending a chip maker's annual board meeting...a neer-do-well with absolutely  no background in education find himself running a company which produces a premiere no-child-left-behind compliant  'educational device' ?

first...he seeds the project with $3000 of his own money.   then he gets investors in the united arab emirates to kick in $23 million of their own money. then he starts sellin his product to the state of florida (where his brother jeb just happens to be governor) for the low, low price of only $30 per kid per year.

so what is a cow?  well sir, it looks like they mated one of those  rolling a-v  tables you used to see in schools with one of those pricey dlp projectors.  it's used to display animated lessons in a variety of subjects on any available classroom wall. (animated lessons are, of course, much more accessible to kids who don't rede so gud--and, if that ain't enuff, lessons also have musical soundtrax  including some really groove def rap hip-n-a-hop tunes).   you'll find some sample cow stuff here Link 

whenever possible, reality is trumped by entertainment value (duh...imagine that). andrew jackson's attempt to wipe out the seminole nation becomes the big football game between the jacksonites and the seminoles (both sides wear authentic 18th century  football gear) i can't find it online tho dammit.   of those at this link,  the xyz affair lesson is pretty typical. 

i can hardly wait to see the lesson focusing on  the uae port deal**.   or the savings & loan scandal.

most of all, i wanna see the one in which barbara bush meets the katrina refugees whose kids' education she helped so unselfishly to dumb down.

*a certain demented dr claims i never admit to being wrong.  funny thing is...he'll never admit he's wrong about that even tho the proof is right here for all to see.

**a second admission (in one article alone) i screwed up.   in this rather lengthy article Link about the uae ports deal, i listed what appeared to the most egregious cronyism and quid pro quo connections.  i now realize i totally overlooked the 23 million dollar favor those uae suckers did for neil bush  (actually it should be considered a gift cuz nobody has ever received a cent back on any money they gave dubya's baby bubba).  it's times like this i wish there really was somethin like pat roberson's lake of farrr awaiting the iniquitious and their moms.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 26, 2006
Where do you get this stuff? Pretty sad deal all around. Seems like to avoid the bad PR she would have just bought the damn things from her son and then donated them directly. I'm betting, though, that she was only buying a fraction of what would have to be a contract for the whole shebang or they wouldn't do it at all.

I wonder if the investors came up with the name...
on Mar 26, 2006
Where do you get this stuff?

a couple weeks ago, neil's kid, pierce, sent an angry email about the ports deal to the houston chronicle. at the time i was mostly amused by his name (gotta love that dynastic name recycling thing; i wonder now if the rich kid on 'the many loves of dobie gillis' tv show was related to the bush family). earlier in the week while searchin for something else, i saw an article on the houston chronicle's site about the donation but i didn't find out about neil's uae investors immediately. saturday the la times printed the story. there's more to come i think. one of the russian zillionaire ogliarch fugitives is (or was) living in latvia. neil visited him recently and he's now involved as well.

if you're interested, there's an article entitled 'the relatively charmed life of neil bush' here Link

I wonder if the investors came up with the name...

looks like a sura thing from here.
on Mar 26, 2006
how does a guy who makes money for nothin and gets chicks for free (without even askin for em according to his sworn testimony)...whose own curriculum vitae includes busting out every previous enterprise he's ever run (including a savings & loan which went broke thanks to loans to his business partners which you ultimately hadda pay for)...a guy with no experience with high tech anything other than being paid 10s of thousands of dollars each year for attending a chip maker's annual board meeting...a neer-do-well with absolutely  no background in education find himself running a company which produces a premiere no-child-left-behind compliant  'educational device' ?

Sounds like presidential material to me. Which state can we give him as a warm-up?

Southern states seem particularly well suited in this regard. I suggest Louisiana or Mississippi. He can claim he had too little to work with and the inevitable further damage can be attributed to future natural disasters.

Then again, it might be easier to just select the state with the largest death row. Those things need cleaned out every once in a while.

neil's kid, pierce,

Pierce Bush? OMG, don't get me started....

on Mar 26, 2006

WOW.  I appologize.  I thought you were just a stubborn old cuss, who refused to admit when you are wrong.  Now I see you are warped by your hatred of everything Bush.

Is this H. Ross Perot in disguise? 

on Mar 26, 2006
I had heard on local news radio that Barbara had given a sum of money on the condition that it be spent on her son's educational software and thought, that's nepotism, baby.

If what you are accusing is even mildly true, then that's a --shrug-- whatever, meh. Business is business. Are we supposed to be upset about foreign investment or trade? Did you stop at BP or Shell for gas? What about any gas station that buys Arab oil?! Are we putting money in their demonized pockets? My god, let's all buy bikes... made in CHINA?!?! And those bikes were bought off the WalMart shelf (GASP!), placed there by greasing the palms of the buyers and shelf placement executives. Good lord!
on Mar 26, 2006
Which state can we give him as a warm-up?

it would take some hard work which would mean even more workin hard for the whitehouse, but i'm thinkin guam never whines about not bein a state and hasn't caused us any trouble for a long so why not show a lil love and git 'er done by takin the guamanians to the f-i-f-teee one.

once neil's da gov of guam, fema can use reconstruction money as an 'incentive' to encourage lousiana, mississippi AND texas to outsource all their damn prisons to agana. not only would it greatly thin out the deathwatch protestor herd (i'm guessin nobody's gonna make that trip more than once) but the place could easily turn out a 10 year cow inventory in that many months.

(if you need someone to stake your move to k street where you so very clearly belong, lemme know and i'll start workin on puttin together a donation for the next buncha poor bastards on pat robertson's list with a proviso it be used solely as a means of putting your current residence on the vacancy for victims list).
on Mar 26, 2006
Pierce Bush

heh. neil is just sooooooo wrong on every level.
on Mar 26, 2006
Now I see you are warped by your hatred of everything Bush

not at all true. these days it's so uncommon as to be sorta exotic.
on Mar 26, 2006
"WOW. I appologize. I thought you were just a stubborn old cuss, who refused to admit when you are wrong. Now I see you are warped by your hatred of everything Bush.

Is this H. Ross Perot in disguise?"

lmao. You can't possibly sit there and excuse someone giving a donation, calling it charity, and then insisting that a contract to buy your son's product be signed. She wasn't buying ALL the items. She was just seeding the deal.

I think you're just warped by your hatred for anyone who opposes Bush.
on Mar 26, 2006
Why didn't she just buy the software herself and donate them to the Katrina cause?
Seems like the long way 'round the barn to me.
on Mar 26, 2006
Are we supposed to be upset about foreign investment or trade?

not at all.

hey, every minute neil is otherwise occupied with this project is a minute he's not gettin over on anyone other than people in the uae with wayyyyy too much more money than sense. while i'm a tad uneasy bout depriving kids in florida and young hurricane refugees in houston of an education, it's not like some of em ain't gonna wind up fallin on their heads no matter how vigilant we may be.

worst case scenario, the more this succeeds, the more thai hookers we can insource.

i truly am disappointed in barbara tho. i'm gonna guess she's read this article Link

i don't know about yours, but if my mom even suspected me of any one of those things the most recent xmas or birthday check i'd received to that point would be the last.
on Mar 26, 2006
if you're interested, there's an article entitled 'the relatively charmed life of neil bush' here

dammit i provided a link to somethin else by mistake.

here's the correct one: Link
on Mar 26, 2006
I'm wondering if at her age she's even making decisions like this any more. She was probably watching wheel of fortune, and one of her court walked in and half-described it and she signed to get him out of the way so she could see what vowel had come up.
on Mar 26, 2006
That link is hilarious! It's like one of those pseudo-tragic soapies from the early 90s. The divorce case is a particularly good farce.
on Mar 27, 2006
She was probably watching wheel of fortune, and one of her court walked in and half-described it and she signed to get him out of the way so she could see what vowel had come up.

so i read this and bust up laffing so explosively and unexpectedly an explanation is demanded. not asked...demanded.

it's been a long while since i last forgot myself when discussing online events with someone who'd have far less difficulty if i was reporting details of my last alien abduction, but i was rendered senseless by the vision elicited by your response.

it's about 5 hours later and i'm still cackling away without regard to the likelihood of involuntary admission for observation in my immediate future. the good news is, unlike patients in other areas of the hospital, those in mental wards are--as we all know far too well--strongly encouraged to fully utilize online access to the net such places so very generously provide.
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