fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
t'was brillig when the slithey rove...
Published on July 7, 2005 By kingbee In Politics

this is the second of what may easily become a series of observations predicated on the possibility the 'real life' we're living is actually the product of lewis carroll's imagination as he pens a new work entitled 'washington through the looking glass'.   

new york times reporter, judy miller, is spending her first night as an involuntary guest of the federal detention center in alexandria, va., after being held in contempt of court by us federal district justice thomas hogan for  refusing to reveal the source of a story she didn't write. 

time magazine's matthew cooper is sleeping at home, his contempt citation having been remedied by his employer (time magazine provided the court with cooper's notes) and a last-minute notification from his source releasing cooper from his pledge to keep their conversations confidential.  (cooper had previously been held in contempt regarding the same issue in august 2004, until he was given a similar release by another source, scooter libby (cheney's chief of staff).  

at issue is the name or names of white house officials who committed a federal crime by revealing the true identity of a cia employee, seemingly in order to punish a former us ambassador who'd publicly contradicted the president. 

robert novak--to whom the agent's identity was revealed (first hand by the source miller refuses to divulge) and who then also violated the law when he made that information public--is sleeping somewhere other than in a jail for reasons only apparent when viewed thru a looking glass.

clearly, as the walrus said unto the carpenter, the time has come to speak of many things, such as:

a. why isn't novak--rather than miller or cooper--being forced to reveal his source?

b. why did the federal prosecutor who is representing the government focus on cooper who only reported the fact of the crime on a website?

c.  why is miller--who has yet to publish a word about this entire conundrum--being required to do anything?

d. when were journalists given the same protection as priests and lawyers who may not be compelled to make public admissions of crimes committed revealed to them in confidence by  their penitents or clients?  journalists need to be able to promise confidentiality to those who reveal wrongdoing, not those engaged in it.  

carroll need not create a new character for at least one of the possible yet-to-be-named sources.  this one will do just fine.  (i'm not gonna reveal his name tho, so don't subpeona me):

"But wait a bit," the Oyster cried,
"Before we have our chat;
For some of us are out of breath,
And all of us are fat!"

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 08, 2005
scru you
on Jul 09, 2005
I never kept up on the situation, so i really don't care...
on Jul 09, 2005
" scru you"

I bow before your wit and candor, zink. We "repugs" aren't as stupid as you think, and frankly you Democrats can just as easily get so lost in your propaganda and daisy-chain "hell yeahs" that you start spewing stuff out of the wrong end.

Kingbee I know looks at the situation before he blogs, and knows which end is which. He most certainly isn't going to blindly defend someone that got thrashed by a half-assed senate subcommittee, and came up a grandstanding liar. It's pretty obvious that you didn't know Joseph Wilson from Joseph Smith when you leapt into the conversation, though.

When you run in head first and then screech to a halt because your knowledge is limited to the blurb you just borrowed your opinion from, well... don't get mad at me.
on Jul 09, 2005
Do you really think this woman would be sitting in jail for Rove, and do you think if Rove was who you say he is he would have willingly released the Time magazine reporter from the promise of anonymity?

normally i wouldnt. since ms miller has been more than a little supportive of the administration...and she's indicated her disapproval of a statement all whitehouse staffers were 'asked' to sign in which they negated any confidentiality agreements to which they were party...i'm not sure anyone but miller and her sources know what she's doing or why.
on Jul 10, 2005
found a couple of places where she had stated that she was an "analyst" but subsequently the CIA admitted that this was a front, and that she was, in fact, an undercover operative.

I KNOW I said this before but I'll say it again here! There is NO WAY she is anything more than an anaylst. Her picture is on the "front cover" of this month's "Vanity Fair" magazine without bothering to hide her ID. And this is a "current" photo, not an archive one. If she was an "actual" under cover operative, she'd be in JAIL for that little stunt!
on Jul 10, 2005
There is NO WAY she is anything more than an anaylst. Her picture is on the "front cover" of this month's "Vanity Fair" magazine without bothering to hide her ID

is she still employed by the cia? if not, is she still required to maintain an id that was already compromised?
on Jul 10, 2005

There is NO WAY she is anything more than an anaylst. Her picture is on the "front cover" of this month's "Vanity Fair" magazine without bothering to hide her ID

is she still employed by the cia? if not, is she still required to maintain an id that was already compromised?

Yes she is till employed by the CIA. Here, this is from Wikipedia:

Known background
Plame's life history has been documented in the January 2004 Vanity Fair article *"Double Exposure." But little is known of Plame's professional career. She has described herself as an energy analyst for the private company Brewster Jennings & Associates, which was subsequently acknowledged by the CIA as a front. It has been reported that this cover was not executed very convincingly.

Plame is the wife of former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV. Wilson is her second husband. Plame met him at a Washington party in early 1997. She was able to reveal her CIA role to him while they were dating because he held a high-level security clearance. At the time Wilson was married to, but separated from, his second wife Jacqueline, a former French diplomat. Wilson and Plame are the parents of five-year old twins.

on Jul 10, 2005
Yes she is till employed by the CIA

as of january 2004? that's 18 months ago. is she STILL employed by the cia? like in july 2005?
on Jul 10, 2005
Her picture is on the "front cover" of this month's "Vanity Fair" magazine without bothering to hide her ID.

damn she looks exactly like nicole kidman. i didnt realize the cia had such great disguises.
on Jul 10, 2005
Her picture is on the "front cover" of this month's "Vanity Fair" magazine without bothering to hide her ID.

damn she looks exactly like nicole kidman. i didnt realize the cia had such great disguises.

Maybe you should look again. Right hand side 3rd picture down.

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