fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
And When Dorothy Peeked Behind The Curtain...
Published on April 14, 2005 By kingbee In Current Events

if the title sounds sorta familiar, there's a reason.   a post with a similar title appeared briefly in the political forum for a short time.  in that one, the 'skanks' of the national organization for women were judged in need of:

a. being slapped around

b. the author declaring a jihad against them

for joining with their 'selfish bitch' feminist sisters to force their anti-implant beliefs on the pure flower of american womanhood.  wait..sorry, now's real crime was hypocrisy.  the ultimate hypocrisy of demanding the right to choose abortion for themselves while arrogantly denying 'real women' the right to risk their health to enhance their bustline.  to make it all even more despicable, these so-called minority representatives--with their shrill leftwing emotional demands--caused all women to look bad.

the author's righteous condemnation was echoed in the thread by a chorus of equally right-thinking, rational, valiants who clearly saw the dangers of such outrageous foolishness manifesting itself in making a stink over  bob packwood's innocently affectionate gestures of endearment for which the poor man was martyred. it almost goes without saying--altho it was eventually said--NOW engages in collusion with such enemies of freedom as the aclu.  those who happened to avail themselves of this collective wisdom were reminded all of this was just one more proof of conspiracy to turn us--male and female--into floppy breasted prisoners of the state.

so far so good, right?  nothin like a lil misogyny among friends and in a good cause.

except...i'd heard a half-dozen reports on the issue, seen it encapsulated on national main stream media (politically correct for 'soviet') tv broadcasts and read about it in two major daily news publications.  clearly i seemed to be losing what slight connection i still have to reality because i didnt recall any mention of the national organization for women.  nor, for that matter, did i remember any mention of other feminist groups.  i'm pretty sure i woulda noted aclu involvement, if nothing else.

so i went back and found the articles i'd read and began paying much more attention to broadcast news.  my efforts weren't rewarded however.  even running a google news search using "national organization for women" + silicone implants  as keywords fell flat.

folks i can only assume this is some sorta feminist coverup conspiracy of massive proportions.   or i could if didn't pretty much decide the author made it all up outta whole cloth.  the best i could turn up was some sorta vague or supposed reference to now...and some vague allegations presented by 'moderate' to 'rabid' rightwing bloggers about now's massive campaign to criminalize implants..  without a link to a source, your guess is as good as mine.

so now...we've covered the breast implants, the national organization for women and skanks, but what part do boobs play in this travesty? 

well, one of em created the vitriolic and totally unsubstantiated crap pile of bombast.  the others jumped on the issue, took it all to be gospel truth since it so conveniently fit into their belief system and enthusiastically, gleefully donated to the cause.

and that's how ya put ideas into ideology. or to paraphrase the late eloquent johnny cochoran...if there aint no links, it prolly stinks.  

Comments (Page 4)
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on Apr 18, 2005
True, and it doesn't seem to matter which party. To me the big problem here is Senators and Representatives forget that they are supposed to represent the State and People (respectively), not their party.

or their contributors.
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