fearlessly proclaiming the truth & the other truth! voice of the teknoshamanic institute
Cheney To Be Discharged Today
Published on June 28, 2010 By kingbee In Current Events

lest anyone forget how vitriolic america's rabid reactionary right repeatedly reveal themselves to be, sen robert byrd's hospitalization should prove a sad reminder.

wade through this cesspool of death-wishes and rage in the comment section. ghoulish glee and prayers for eternal damnation of a fellow human's soul would seem to be antithetic to christian ideals--unless that human's name happens to be robert c. byrd.

although anthony r didn't provide free samples in his post about cheney (which obviously inspired this as counterpoint) i'm either more generous or have less sense.   either way..

(one very aptly named 'hcklberry' proves there's nothing sacred about scripture)

Psa 31:17 Let me not be ashamed, O LORD; for I have called upon thee: let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave.
Psa 31:18 Let the lying lips be put to silence; which speak grievous things proudly and contemptuously against the righteous.

(after which someone identified only as 'c' demonstrates what it means to be a caring conservative)

KKK Byrd being now officially brain dead, luny tunes, DEAD or whatever - is most likely going to DERAIL the dumbama REGIME'S 2000 page piece of toilet paper known as the "financial reform act" (SCAM for big banks and bigger govt.) and will also hopefully KILL communist Cap and Tax- the greatest attempt to destroy the middle class and confiscate their wealth since Stalin or Mao. KKK Byrd needs to kick it and his Senate seat should be determined to be vacant as of tomorrow- regardless of his final medical outcome- he will be non-functional either way.

(finally, one more humanely incisive--if not incisively humane--wish proffered by 'libtard' whom i strongly suspect may be a joeuser in disguise) 

Please God keep him alive and on life support till his term ends in 2013. That will give the Dems one less vote and probably put the nail in the coffin of that dude Kagan, Ray Maddows brother.

nice touch libtard!

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 28, 2010

Shame on those people. Regardless of like or dislike, such comments are unnecessary, childish, disrespectful and down right disgusting. I may dislike someone but I would never wish them death nor be happy they dead, except maybe a child or woman rapist or a mass murderer.

Just in case, this is not me being a smart-ass or anything, this is my true sentiment. But BTW, 2 wrongs don't make a right even if 2 negatives do make a positive so your attempt at "fighting fire with fire" is actually more shameful than actually making a point.

on Jun 28, 2010

LMAO... good one KB, but Its amazing to see liberals and people of color defending a high ranking member of the Ku Klux Klan. I can't imagine how anyone could gloss over his Klansman past and his opposition to any advances in civil rights. Yes, you are correct KB... politics can be distasteful on both sides. Thanks for the laugh that was hilarious.

on Jun 28, 2010

I can't imagine how anyone could gloss over his Klansman past and his opposition to any advances in civil rights. Yes, you are correct KB... politics can be distasteful on both sides. Thanks for the laugh that was hilarious.

Didn't the left just crucify Rand Paul for saying he would have done somethings a bit different in the 1964 Civil Rights Act? Guess he should have said he would have change parties and voted against it.


As for Byrd, he led a full life. Was probably in office too long. Did more than his share of wasteful spending (pork) in his state (the Byrd highway to nowhere comes to mind). My condolences do go out to his family. I believe it despicable to say hateful things about him personally or revel in his passing, but his recorded (and past as it relates to his performance) is fair game.

on Jun 28, 2010

Unsurprisingly, the WV SecState (D) has found a way to let the Guvnuh (D) appoint someone, even though the law stipulates a special election be held in this circumstance.  So, the good people of WV will have the dubious privilege of electing two Senators in November 2012, in separate elections, one 'regular' and one 'special', with the 'special Senator' serving out the remaining 5 weeks of the vacated term since filled by an appointee.

Gotta love Democrats.

on Jun 28, 2010

Yes, I have to admit that left was far kinder to Cheney.  Each time.  And I don't think I ever heard of anyone wishing Bush dead.

So there ya go.  We are what we are.

on Jun 28, 2010

I would never wish them death nor be happy they dead, except maybe a child or woman rapist or a mass murderer.

i'm guessing you meant something other than what you actually stated altho i guess you believe r children and/or female sexual predators are the absolute worst of the bunch.  since you didn't even mention male rape victims, i'm wondering if you have less sympathy for them.

even if 2 negatives do make a positive so your attempt at "fighting fire with fire" is actually more shameful than actually making a point.

such profundity!  no wonder i'm confused as to whether it ain't not so shameful fighting fire with fire if one wouldn't not do it to make a point.

on Jun 29, 2010

Its amazing to see liberals and people of color defending a high ranking member of the Ku Klux Klan. I can't imagine how anyone could gloss over his Klansman past and his opposition to any advances in civil rights.

despite the astronomical odds against doing so, a very few people wind up holding a winning lottery ticket.  similarly given the myriad possible decisions to make or conclusions at which to arrive, an equally small number of individuals not only manage to realize a lifelong error in judgment, but then go on to publicly repudiate and reverse themselves.  within that group is an infinitesimal subset consisting of elected officials. 

deplorable as his racist beliefs certainly were and as much damage as he did while acting on them, characterizing byrd as a high-ranking member of the klan 60-some years after he shed his sheet and in light of his being one of 16 senators who received a ranking of 100 in the naacp's report card on the 108th congress is about as productive as any other session of sadistic bestial necrophila. 


Thanks for the laugh that was hilarious


glad you enjoyed it too!

on Jun 29, 2010

Unsurprisingly, the WV SecState (D) has found a way to let the Guvnuh (D) appoint someone, even though the law stipulates a special election be held in this circumstance. So, the good people of WV will have the dubious privilege of electing two Senators in November 2012, in separate elections, one 'regular' and one 'special', with the 'special Senator' serving out the remaining 5 weeks of the vacated term since filled by an appointee.

not to worry,

someone need only sue ms tennant's pretty lil behind and then keep appealing til those faux-states righter para-legislators on the high court can give it an activising she'll never forget. 

on Jun 29, 2010

So there ya go. We are what we are.

good thing seein how so frequently it is what it is.

(in the meantime, i'm hopin you'll revisit your mini-jeremiad regarding them sniveling cowards over to the gop).

on Jun 29, 2010

deplorable as his racist beliefs certainly were and as much damage as he did while acting on them, characterizing byrd as a high-ranking member of the klan 60-some years after he shed his sheet and in light of his being one of 16 senators who received a ranking of 100 in the naacp's report card on the 108th congress is about as productive as any other session of sadistic bestial necrophila.

"There are white niggers. I've seen a lot of white niggers in my time, if you want to use that word." 
--Robert C. Byrd (D-WV), March 4, 2001

He allegedly wasn't a racist in 2001... he had 'shed his sheet' right?

on Jun 29, 2010

Oh, I don't know, maybe you're right.  Guess I'll extend Byrd all the courtesy & comity extended to Strom Thurmond.  And cut his lionizers all the slack cut Trent Lott.

Now that's out of the way, my beefs with Byrd had less to do with his KKK career (anyone can be a bigot and repent) as with his Senate career (not everyone can be as corrupt and unrepentant a thief).

There is general, mostly subconscious consensus on the left that whatever 'bad' you do, whenever you do it, defines and stigmatizes you for the balance of your life and especially your political career... if you are a conservative*.  Only liberals, by definition, are good enough and capable enough people to overcome their prior failings.  And to be forgiven for their youthful (or otherwise) indiscretions, etc.  They must be forgiven because, unlike conservatives, their hearts are in the 'right' place.  Even Eliot Spitzer, FCOL.  There are exceptions, provided they stay out of (or are barred from) politics following 'recovery' (e.g., Chuck Colson).

*Liberals have a built-in advantage here: their only enduring principle is 'Though shalt do as I say, not as I do', a much more difficult principle to hypocritically violate.

on Jun 29, 2010

Good find, Anthony.

sadistic bestial necrophila

Come on, kb - get it right.  It's necrophilia.  And as a member of the JBNPC (Joyful Bestial Necrophiliac Pride Community) I'm very offended by the term 'sadistic'.  Who are you to say?  It's not a life choice - I was born this way.  So stuff the hate speech.  And I'll make damn sure you're banned from our parade next year - if you show up, the cops will have your number, bud.

I can't believe it.  This would never happen in Canada.

on Jun 29, 2010

i'm guessing you meant something other than what you actually stated altho i guess you believe r children and/or female sexual predators are the absolute worst of the bunch. since you didn't even mention male rape victims, i'm wondering if you have less sympathy for them.

Hah!, Nit-picking, another trait you've had to use more often to make up for what use to be a decent ability to reply with a decent comeback. I can see how the Democrats can bring you in like zombies so easily.

such profundity! no wonder i'm confused as to whether it ain't not so shameful fighting fire with fire if one wouldn't not do it to make a point.

Did I confuse you? I so sorry. I'll use less complicated words the next time. Wouldn't want to be responsible for frying what's left of your medulla oblongata, sorry I meant brain.

on Jun 29, 2010

...and in light of his being one of 16 senators who received a ranking of 100 in the naacp's report card on the 108th congress is about as productive as any other session of sadistic bestial necrophila.

And we all know who benefits from racism the most. The NAACP perhaps? What would these people do without each other?

on Jun 29, 2010

the cops will have your number, bud.

surely the bible frowns upon beating a dead horse?

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